Hack Name:  KC's Sonic 1 Revamped (Fixed)
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  Final
Last updated:  October 17, 2020
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Graphics, Levels, Music, Text
Downloads:  144

This Sonic 1 hack was originally made in 2011 so it’s quite old but it was one of the first to use ported music from other Sega Mega Drive games using different sound drivers other than SMPS 68k based Sega games which stood out at the time. The art is also quite different making this not just another colour palette hack, the spindash is also included.

KC’s Sonic 1 Revamped was a previously (unfinished, broken cancelled) hack by Karate Cat and Mr. Joker. It changes the graphics, level layouts, music and among other things Sonic’s sprite. It was a hack that recently appeared as a download link from the channels AmyRose and Razor & Zenon in which is where I got it from. The game plays perfectly fine until you reach zone 6 (Bionic Base Zone) and upon act 1 loading the game crashes in the form of an ”illegal instruction”. Now I managed to fix this crash yet again by repeating the same thing that I done in ”Sonic 1 The Blue Blur” which was to change the value address, 00001ACC and 00001AC6 were corrupted in the form of being left empty with no ACII values, all I did was change 00 to 88 in 1ACC and 00 to 88 in 1AC6 and the game worked again. I didn’t bother putting my name in the ROM header or changing the date this time, you guys know you got it from me if you’ve downloaded it from this page.

So remember, downloading this game from Youtube channels AmyRose, Razor & Zenon or SSRG, you’ll get the broken ROM each and every time, I am the only one who has the fully working ROM available. So this hack is now fully playable on any system, real Mega Drive/Genesis 50Hz/60Hz, emulators, Kega, Regen and Gens Plus etc.

It might seem a little outdated by today’s standards of Sonic modding but back in 2011 split disassembly ASM hacking was relatively new so at the time it was a shot above many of the other Sonic hacks on offer.


I also fixed the CheckSum so you don’t have to do it yourself after patching.

I’ll include a ”Read Me” note in the ZIP file incase you want to read the original notes from KCEXE and Mr. Joker on the game from SSRG.

This hack in it’s complete working state is being archived here to reach a wider audience.

This patch must be patched to the Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe) ROM.

Filename: Sonic The Hedgehog (UE).md
CRC-32: d365f487
SHA-1: 1aa32fb992cae870d2c09b5964c9eba43e0bb8d5
KCEXE: Main director of the hack. Sonic sprites and some music.
Mr. Joker27 Productions: Level design, music porting, beta tester.
PsychoSk8r: Dynamic Palettes
SplicerFusion: (Map layout, former)
GSonic15: (Enemy art, misc)
Valentin the Fox: (Level art, LZ and SLZ)
Adrian Gauna: Illegal Instruction/bug fix

Special thanks to GalliumGrant, Schwa, and the SSRG team to help with the tutorials and utilities.
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5 months ago

A hack made with passion and dedication, colors, level design, graphic design, music, gameplay if you are a Sonic fan you must play it

5 months ago

THank you so much. Great job

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