NOTE: this hack needs to be patched onto the Loopy MMC3 conversion hack of lost levels. i don’t know if i should link that here because it’s a rom file, but you could probably search it and find it.
lost levels plus is a hack i made because of my super mario bros. plus hack. it’s pretty much the same thing with the graphics and palettes, except there’s no two player mode this time instead.
Filename: Super Mario Brothers 2 (Japan).fds
CRC-32: f04cd4cd
SHA-1: 20e50128742162ee47561db9e82b2836399c880c
CRC-32: f04cd4cd
SHA-1: 20e50128742162ee47561db9e82b2836399c880c
Loopy for making the original MMC3 conversion hack of lost levels
File download: