After being completely fed up of constantly getting pummeled by Googie, Golmonger decides to set his sites on Retro. Knowing that he’s friends with Googie this angers him even more to the point where he then decides to kidnap one of Retro’s friends Dejiko and hold her hostage. Now it’s up to our brilliant and amazing hero Retro to give Golmonger the boot by saving Dejiko and win the day once and for all.
Enjoy the Hack.
Filename: Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A).nes
CRC-32: e40b593b
SHA-1: d8dfacbfec34cdc871d73c901811551fe1706923
CRC-32: e40b593b
SHA-1: d8dfacbfec34cdc871d73c901811551fe1706923
Retro Master HD-Original Rom Hacking
GoogieToons-Golmonger sprite
125scratch-Dejiko sprite
GoogieToons-Golmonger sprite
125scratch-Dejiko sprite
File download: