Hack Name:  Music Repair Patch for Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers / Quack Attack N64
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  v.1.0
Last updated:  October 22, 2024
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Music
Downloads:  239

Repairs the faulty midi music so that it sounds as intended by the composer!

The music was supposed to be a midi arrangement of the PC/Dreamcast version’s music with a different style, even with exclusive songs, but due to extremely flawed conversion and subsequent “editing” of the midis and instruments by the developers, arguably one of the most flawed soundtracks in video game history was created.

Until now, because all these mistakes and botches have now been painstakingly corrected and repaired!


-Every midi has been carefully repaired, with countless inaudible notes now audible.
-All instrument samples are now played correctly and at the correct pitch
-All incorrect values in the sound bank, such as release values, have been correctly adjusted
-All reverb values from each midi have been adjusted correctly and improved.
-All incorrect sounding effects have been repaired
-Various sound bugs, glitches and other oddities have been fixed

High quality rips can be heard here:

All in one video with some info


Patch Info

-Be sure that your ROM is not byteswapped. You can check and fix this with this online tool: https://hack64.net/tools/swapper.php

-If you have problems patching, try XDELTA__MusicRepair_GoinQuackers-QuackAttack-N64 instead. (Your rom size may vary depending on how it was dumped.)

More info can be found in the ReadMe.

Special Thanks

-SubDrag, Ice Mario and Zoinkity: For their helpful N64 bank editors and Midi import and export tools!
-CarlaVST Dev Team: For their helpful modular audio plugin host!
-Tom Szilagyi: For his Reverb Plugin with which I was able to recreate a reverb very close to that of In-Game!
-Cakewalk Community: For help and tipps!
-Derek “Turtle” Roe: For converting the patch to the US Version and for testing!
-Anterag/RingsOfGeonosis: For Feedback!
-L.Spiro: For some info and tipps about reverb!


Filename: DonaldDuckQuackAt.NDQP.z64
CRC-32: c4b0d9ea
SHA-1: c42fafb06be6eb7de08370d07f19571b7661074b

Filename: Donald Duck Goin' Qu.NDQE.z64
CRC-32: 7fdec270
SHA-1: e31a7567d408c890065029ba537f830765b17d94
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Yoni Arousement
3 months ago

In case it helps, I ran a ROM Hasher tool that stated that a ROM I used was byte swapped, so I put the ROM into the swapper tool linked in the patching instructions.

If you get an error saying that the patch isn’t intended for the ROM, it means that the ROM was byte swapped.

Last edited 3 months ago by Yoni Arousement
Yoni Arousement
3 months ago

One time, I read about the Nintendo 64 version of this game’s hilariously buggy implementation of its soundtrack.

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