Megaman & Bass (GBA) New Controls v1.0
Bass can now dash by pressing either of the shoulder buttons. Double tap RIGHT still works, however double tap LEFT is gone.
Megaman can now slide by pressing either of the shoulder buttons. Crouch and jump button no longer slides.
Select button now cycles through weapons.
I am open to further modifying this hack as per user request. I have never played this game and don’t know anything about it.
this hack *should* be compatible with the ‘better economy (GBA)’ hack, although it has not been tested.
Filename: Mega Man & Bass (USA).gba.original
CRC-32: eea68c2e
SHA-1: 7610847b331870d4338e5ac894b36e55e2bec5a0
CRC-32: eea68c2e
SHA-1: 7610847b331870d4338e5ac894b36e55e2bec5a0
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