Hack Name:  Super Mario Kart: Aim to Be a Hero
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.3
Last updated:  April 26, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Levels, Text
Downloads:  112

This of course is a hack of the popular SNES game, Super Mario Kart. Just like the base game, there are 4 different cups with 5 tracks per cup, with 3 different speed classes, 50cc, 100cc, and the unlockable 150cc.

SMK – Aim to be a Hero includes:

20 NEW custom tracks to replace the original game’s tracks with
4 cups to race through, those being Shitake Cup, Rose Cup, Superstar Cup, and finally Hero Cup
Altered color palettes for most of the track themes, while a couple remain pretty much the same as the original
A tweaked scoring system for Grand Prix mode, awarding 9 points for 1st, 7 points for 2nd, 5 points for 3rd, 4 points for 4th, 3 points for 5th, 2 points for 6th, 1 point for 7th and 0 points for 8th
Tweaked item probability so the Feather item is exclusive to the battle mode along with the Boo
8 track themes in total, 6 new with 1 being taken from Super Circuit, including Pats Acres, Seaside Beach, Mt. Glacier, Sunset Wilds, Davis Farm, Laboratory, Haunted Cave and Rainbow Road

– initial release

– Adjusted object visibility to reduce the amount of pop in effects
– Moved a few objects to accommodate for the tweaked object visibility
– Changed Princess Peach’s joke name to “Peaches”

– Added 4 custom Battle Courses for Battle Mode
– Made one turn in Davis Farm 1 slightly easier

– Edited and added walls to some tracks to prevent massive unintentional shortcuts
– Narrowed a bit of the track in Haunted Cave 2 in top left corner to also prevent an easy unintentional shortcut

Filename: Super Mario Kart (US).sfc
CRC-32: cd80db86
SHA-1: 47e103d8398cf5b7cbb42b95df3a3c270691163b
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