Hello, these hacks offer interface & gameplay adjustments in FFV to make for a Cleaner experience.
Apply any of the “FFV Clean” patches to an *unheadered* copy of FFVJ.sfc– the checksum & CRC data are these:
File/ROM SHA-1: E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6
File/ROM CRC32: C1BC267D
(Use https://www.romhacking.net/hash/ to check these values, and use the Tush utility available here on rhdn to remove a header if needed.)
Check out the amazing new “FFV Whirlwind” by clymax and then apply this over a copy to create a Clean Edition of Whirlwind! Characters’ Jobs change at each level up! It’s a new tactical spin on FFV, highly recommended!
(Note that it uses a different base rom. Check it out!)
Control, Menu, Etc Improvements:
- use Menu button to pass turn in battle
- Dash in towns and dungeons with all jobs (Thief/Dash is faster)
- L & R buttons page scroll Item and Magic Menus
- Blue Magic has its own icon (Diamond)
- Black Magic icon is darker; Float and Blind icons improved
- Espers have Black/White/Time icons by effect type
- Many Ability, item and enemy names now match their appearance elsewhere in the FF series
- All Jobs and Abilities have descriptions
- The 12 items that work with !Mix command are more obvious
- Equipment Weight works the same as in Pixel Remaster edition (it’s 2x more impactful in reducing Agility now)
- MSU-1 chip support added for enhanced soundtracks (not included, DYOR)
1. Clean Battle Improvements:
- Berserk doesn’t merely Attack: can work with Jump, Mug, SwdSlap(FFV)/Pierce(FF5R), Dance, Aim, X-Attack(!)
- Check works as described, showing elemental weakness
- SwdSlap hits like a normal Attack and may stun the target; it doesn’t remove Sleep, Confuse, or Control
- Images can stack up to 3 (still 2 per cast or Ability)
2. Deep Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus…
- Harps, Bells, Rods, Whips, Knives, Spears all do more damage
- Axes, Katana, Hammers, even some Knives work with MagicSword
- Spears and some other new options work with 2-Handed; 2-Handed combos with Jump for additional damage
3. Deeper Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus…
- Learning changed to Observe (simply seeing Blue Magic in battle is enough to learn it! Character must be free of status effects and not Jumping)
- Counter works while Berserk’d
- Equipment Weight unchanged from FFV (barely any effect on Agility)
Bugfixes: Kiss of Blessings, PowerDrink, HP Drain limit and many other glitches were properly addressed by open source patches. Please read the changelog to see them all, and for all other details.
Deep & Deeper Clean are intended to provide less restrictive versions of the game, and will continue development as forks of the main Clean project.
For a full list of the UX/UI, Item/Magic, Job System & Text adjustments, please consult the included readme file.
For hotfixes and more info, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/ff5-clean
Thanks to noisecross, everything8215, Inu, Modoh, RoSoDude, Serity, Cubear, Tzepish, Nintenja, Kandowontu, Leet Sketcher, BladePotato, Squall, Samurai Goroh, madsiur, Chicken Knife, hakumen99, Guysons, Mareel, m340857, Kimblee CA, J121, KainStryder, RaphielShiraha64, mantecol de mierda, Gens & ScarabEnigma for any of these: patches, tools, guides, playtesting, translation, feedback, good vibes! Thanks to ff5aki for “FF5R”! Thank you to RPGe team for inspiring this community and delivering an epochal work, 27 years ago! Thanks to Squaresoft for Final Fantasy V!
CRC-32: c1bc267d
SHA-1: e937b54fff99838e2e853697e4f559359aa91fd6
Inu Hacking many mechanics improvements & bugfixes
noisecross Original Hacking Authored 'FF5e Text Editor', adapted it for FF5R
everything8215 Original Hacking Authored 'ff6tools' Editor
Cubear Graphics 'Dress Code' custom map sprites improvements
Modoh Hacking 'Weapon Formula Tweaks' improvements, disassembly of FF5r code
Tzepish Hacking 'Better Item Menu' improvements
Leet Sketcher Hacking 'Quick Death' & 'Galuf Gaffe' improvements
RoSoDude Hacking EqpWgt improvement + patch disassembly + playtesting
Kimblee CA Hacking 'Easy Learning' Blue Magic improvements
kandowontu Hacking Provided FastROM support (Battle speed+)
Chicken Knife Graphics 'Sprite Touch-Ups' sprite improvements
J121 Graphics 'Ginger Galuf' sprite improvements
kurrono MSU-1 support
Serity Hacking Translation of FF5r, hacked in new icons
Kain Stryder Translation Translation of new FF5r content
Odym82 Translation Translation of new FF5r content
ff5aki Hacking Authored FF5r
Myria Hacking hacking, RPGe script translation
SoM2Freak Translation RPGe script translation
harmony7 Translation RPGe script translation