Hack Name:  Super Mario All Stars Nes
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  3-24-20
Last updated:  March 24, 2020
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Levels, Other
Downloads:  298

Here is a hack which combines:

  • Mario Bros.,
  • Super Mario Bros.,
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 JPN (The Lost Levels),
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 USA, and
  • Super Mario Bros. 3.

Also added into this hack is the ability to use SRAM to save your games and to save your top score in Mario Bros.

This game is using Mapper 005 (MMC5) and it uses 1MB/1024kb’s of PRG-ROM, & 1MB/1024kb’s of CHR-ROM. Except for Super Mario Bros, all the other Mario games are converted to MMC5 as well.

Note: An MMC5-capable emulator is required, otherwise the graphics will be a garbled mess.

To access Mario Bros, on the game select screen, hold A and press Up on Super Mario Bros.


— 1: SMB1 & SMB2 JPN ;redid the lives counter so that when you have over 9 lives, it displays your correct amount. However, once you pass 99 lives, (62-FF hex) it is hard coded to always say 99 lives.


2: SMB2 USA ;fixed error where the game does not reset the lives counter, after a game over with a saved file.

3: SMBAS-INTRO ;fixed correct release year for SMBAS-NES, it was 2015.

File: Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!].nes
Length: 393232 Bytes (3 Mbit)
CRC32: 0B742B33
MD5: 86D1982F EA7342C0 AF9679DD F3869D8D
SHA1: 6BD518E8 5EB46A42 52AF0791 0F61036E 84B020D1
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6 months ago

it works on the nes classic

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