Hack Name:  Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  2.1
Last updated:  November 13, 2024
Type of Hack:  Graphics
Downloads:  956

Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition v1.0a is the definitive version made by Linkuei.

With his permission, Rael G.C. made some graphical improvements:

  • Improved Kano, Rayden, Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Sonya at the character selection screen in order to get closer to the arcade.
  • Improved Sub-Zero fatality to show the front size of the heads.
  • Reduce the “greenness” of the Goro’s Lair new parallax.
  • Fixed Johnny Cage skin colors.
  • Improved mini avatar for Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano.
  • Reworked Rayden stance animation and victory standing, restoring the “blue” eyes.
  • Reworked Scorpion/Sub-Zero head on victory standing.
  • Reworked Sub-Zero sprites on stance animation and victory standing.
  • Improved The Pit cloud colors to match the arcade.
  • Fixed Sub-Zero walking animation (it was broken, with disappearing arms).
  • Fixed Sonya belly, hair and shoes colors.
  • Fixed Liu Kang stance animation and victory standing.
  • Fixed Kano victory animation (first frame was 2 pixels misplaced to the bottom).
  • Restored Throne Room dragons statues.
  • Removed a red line from Johnny Cage when following from the Pit bridge.
  • Cleaned pink spots from Sonya ending screen #1.
  • Restored red eye and red riffle scope at Kano ending screen #2.
  • Made the Genesis soundtrack order the default option.
  • Fixed the checksum
Filename: Mortal Kombat (Original Probe).smd
CRC-32: 33f19ab6
SHA-1: 2c4a0618cc93ef7be8329a82ca6d2d16f49b23e0
Master Linkuei: Original Hacking
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4 months ago

It is great to see someone concerned with this stuff and fixing it. Thank you!

BTW, Goros idle and defending anims have inconsistent frame offsets.

Last edited 4 months ago by LoneGamer88
Write a review
The MK Home Port We Shoulda Got Back in the Early 90’s…

Written by: Creature667 - March 12, 2025

Now, I've been somewhat obsessive over this hack since its first iteration dropped by Master Linkuei, Billytime, Danilo and Chev, but the subtle corrections that Rael has implemented has polished this old game up to a near mirror sheen. The original hack was impressive but the little bit of jank left over upon its first public release has all but vanished. Was a big fan of the hack in its vanilla form but Rael has ascended this from a merely damn good hack to a veritable piece of fine art. I hope he keeps making incremental improvements and that one day, I'll finally get my Arcade accurate blood physics put in so my middle aged Gen X'er ass can shuffle off this mortal coil at peace and not have to linger around and indefinitely haunt some poor Brazillian retro gaming enthusiasts until I see my dream made reality. Y'all don't know me... I'll do it, Goddammit. 

9 out of 11 stars on this hack. Would Decapitate and let the bloody spinal bits hang out. So strap on your nostalgia goggles, put on some crappy old 90's R&B or Grunge and get psyched for some old fashioned vintage murder simulation! Help corrupt Americas youth and validate Senator Jack Thompson's grifting ass via fake moral outrage all over again because we're 12 year old latchkey kids and our momma aint home from work so we finna partay like its 1993 playing the coolest shit we ever seen until IDsoftware dropped Doom on us or we seen a real life vagina in person on an actual real live girl. Whichever came first before you did in your pants. So lets all go outside and shout "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!" into the streets like it's September 13 1993 and karate punch some heads off some fools. No code required this time, kids! So if that red red krovvy and old ultraviolence gets you a bit bolnoy in your Guttiwuts, maybe privodeet your Droogs with actual yarbles over to the corner of the Blast Processed King of the 16 bit era console wars. Or filly sweatin' to the oldies with your weenie Super Nintendo and it's 5 year input delay. Genesis does what they be doing what Nintendidn't do until about a year later, but it's all whatever. The SNES looked good enough to fool people into buying it, even if it sucked harder than my Church Camp youth pastor after 3+ bottles of Jesus Juice and taking his false teeth out, confessing to ME that before finding Jesus while in recovery, he was heavy into meth and heroin and even though he swore up and down that he wasn't gay, 20 bucks was 20 bucks and look at that, I was really mature for my age... Yeah, I was definitely traumatized as a kid but after being raised on Looney Tunes brand cartoon violence, I'll take some animated TV blood over bonafide rectal deflowering at 12 by a trusted pillar of the religious community any day of the week that isn't Sunday. It's virtual murder and it's gonna rot your mind and damn your soul to Hell!!! Only for Sega Genesis. Mortal Kombat with all the arcade game edginess at home. Good, clean, wholesome fun for the entire family... Because this time, it doesn't look like shit!!!

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