Happy Miku Day! To celebrate said day, I’ve made a Rom Hack of Mappy featuring Hatsune Miku! Not much of it changed aside from Mappy being swapped with Miku, and one of the items now being a leek, but a lot more will change in the future so stay tuned for that when you can.
(box art included in the zip file)
Filename: Mappy (Japan).nes
CRC-32: 3f0e8e0a
SHA-1: 30a06c63f13d33dc5bb307f15d4be7d4478740af
CRC-32: 3f0e8e0a
SHA-1: 30a06c63f13d33dc5bb307f15d4be7d4478740af
Valis Emma for the SMB1 Styled Miku sprites
File download:
Help about patching:
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.