Hack Name:  I Come In Peace
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1
Last updated:  January 15, 2016
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Levels, Music
Downloads:  28

Originally submitted to and added on SMW Central on January 15, 2016.

“I decided to do a compilation of my various contest/collab levels from many different occasions. This explains why the levels are so varied. Because of the mix, I’ve set up many paths for players to approach as opposed to something strictly linear.
I Come In Peace features levels that were built over the span of 2012-2015 (including my Dark Side of the Kingdom levels and my levels from the NinShack collab hack), which will explain the constantly changing design choices.

NOTE: As you complete levels, check marks appear in the bottom right corner of the main overworld map. If you’ve gotten a 100% SRAM file, there should be 22 check marks in all (20 normal exits + 2 secret).

Also, credit is given to the other people for their resources.”

Some history on a few of the levels, for anyone curious:

  • Temple Run was built for a level design contest where the levels had to be 60 ingame seconds or shorter.
  • Vital Surge was done as part of the unfinished “A NinShack Hack”, and two other levels, Amber Hollows and Sunn Amps were both made for the also unfinished “Sacred Scroll”.
  • The Baconator was intended to be built as a submission for a Festivus level design contest on SMW Central hosted by DeppySlide, where the levels had to be vertical.
  • FONUT PLAINS 1 was part of a 24 hour level design contest where no ingame sprites could be moved from a vanilla level of the user’s choice (in this level, that being Donut Plains 1).
  • Ironknuckle Inferno was originally created using the SMBX engine and was later ported over to Lunar Magic.
  • Phantomime was originally going to be a part of a collab known as “The Classic Creative Reassembly”.
  • Old Fogey Skie later became a level in “JUMP”.
  • Enter the Darkness, Tarpit, Divine Acropolis, and Bubble Trouble were all planned levels for the unfinished “Dark Side of the Kingdom”.
Filename: Super Mario World (U).smc
CRC-32: a31bead4
SHA-1: 553cf42f35acf63028a369608742bb5b913c103f
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