Hack Name:  FE1 + FE2 in JP The Sacred Stones
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  February 3, 2020
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Levels, Music, Text
Downloads:  35

This hack is based on the Japanese version of Sacred Stones. It serves to recreate the two NES entries of the Fire Emblem series in a single hack. While the Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light recreation is faithful to the original game, the Gaiden remake opts to replace the original game’s maps with larger, more sprawling areas. These more represent compressed versions of the acts of the original game.

Some notes: Due to technical limitations, some empty chapters will play and complete before the game selection menu appears. Though the Tower of Valni appears, it can be ignored. Marth’s death does not cause Game Over, due to a bug.

See the Fire Emblem Universe thread below for more information. Note the original download was a pre-patched rom and was removed from FEU; this has been converted to a .ups patch to follow best practice.

Database match: Fire Emblem - Seima no Kouseki (Japan)
Database: No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20180816-092117)
File/ROM SHA-1: 7DA0456035366AA18414FAA79D8FE7649F03C1ED
File/ROM CRC32: 9D76826F
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Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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