This is a complete English translation for the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis version of Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ).
RomHack Plaza > News > Puyo Puyo (Mega Drive) - English Translation
Puyo Puyo (Mega Drive) – English Translation

About RadioTails
View all postsI like to hack the following: - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Ban Machine / Puyo Puyo - Advance Wars (series) - Donkey Konga 2 and 3 - Mega Drive games
this is an awesome translation! thank you! The dialog is pretty funny!
I have not made it to level 5 yet, but based on the readme i wanted to point out that “git” should be “get” in both versions. In the US “git” is not a word unless we are talking about github =p