The F-Zero: Vintage Velocity Project is now complete. Begun earlier this year by the team that did BS F-Zero Deluxe on the SNES, Vintage Velocity is the first and, to this day, only complete set of romhacks for the GBA F-Zero games. So what does this romhack duology get you?
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Famidash 1.0 Has Been Released!
You’ve seen Geometry Dash on Mobile. You’ve seen Geometry Dash on Steam. Now, experience Geometry Dash for your NES! A team of dedicated fans have faithfully recreated the Geometry Dash engine in beautiful 6502 to give you the greatest homebrew that has ever hit the NES! 12 original RobTop levels
Continue Reading Plaza Project PageNES Lemmings Improvement V1.4 Arrives at RomHack Plaza
One of the worst versions of Lemmings has its biggest improvement hack submitted to RomHack Plaza. Featuring all the same improvements as its prior versions featured elsewhere, the latest version features the classic “Let’s go!” speech sample from the original Amiga version, with no increase in ROM size. More details
Continue Reading Plaza Project PageKo-Fi Account and New Forum!
Just a quick news item to tell you a couple of things. First of all, the forum engine has changed. A lot of complaints had been made about Flarum, so we’ve switched to a classic PhpBB forum. A new PhpBB theme is available and normally, if you’re not new to
Continue ReadingMany New Things on The Plaza !
A few new features have been added to the Plaza. Here’s a quick news update. First of all, a genre field has been added for games. It is mandatory for romhacks and translations. When you update your publications, this field must be added. It will be used to filter according
Continue ReadingA Completly Redesigned Megaman 1 Hack Is Out, As Well As Version 1.3
Megaman 1 – The New Lands Remastered 1.3 version is released, with the focus of simplify some things about version 1.2 and polish some things around the whole game that was needed. A complete overhaul of the original game, where everything have receive a massive change in every aspect, including
Continue Reading Plaza Project PageA Fast Paced Megaman 1 Hack Is Released, As Well As Version 1.2
Megaman 1 – Speed Bomber’s version 1.2 is released, with the purpose to polish the game overall and make it simpler and more fun. A hack where everything is fast paced all the way through and everything is changed in one way or another. A new gamestyle for Megaman fans
Continue Reading Plaza Project PageA New and Complete Sonic 1 Hack Is Out!
A new Sonic 1 hack is released, where everything have been edited in some way or another. Explore new zones with changed themes, musics (one per zone), aesthetics, level designs, boss fights and collect the chaos emeralds through non-rotating special stages to get an optional boost powerup to use through
Continue Reading Plaza Project PageTool Release: Varible Width Font (VWF) Calculator
Why do you need this? Usually, the first though to see how a text looks in a game window, is about inserting said text. However, what if you could do the same without doing the inserting every time. Well, look no more, this is the tool you want. Open sourced
Continue Reading Plaza Project Page External Opens!
We would like to officially welcome the new to life! Created by StudsX and Eden GT, this site is now THE de-facto encyclopedia and repository solely for Super Mario Bros. romhacks! You can get there by our affiliate link on the right side of the page now, or head
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