If you’d like to have a dedicated page(s) (or even an entire site?) for your romhacker work, as a sort of portfolio, we can host it for you for free! You’ll have FTP / DB access (if necessary) to build your site freely. Your site will be a sub-domain of
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5 Must Play SNES/SFC Fan Translations
If you like the work we’ve done, don’t hesitate to subscribe and share the video. 😉
Continue ReadingThe Beginning of The Romhack Plaza YT Channel !
If you like the work we’ve done, don’t hesitate to subscribe and share the video. 😉
Continue ReadingKo-Fi Account and New Forum!
Just a quick news item to tell you a couple of things. First of all, the forum engine has changed. A lot of complaints had been made about Flarum, so we’ve switched to a classic PhpBB forum. A new PhpBB theme is available and normally, if you’re not new to
Continue ReadingMany New Things on The Plaza !
A few new features have been added to the Plaza. Here’s a quick news update. First of all, a genre field has been added for games. It is mandatory for romhacks and translations. When you update your publications, this field must be added. It will be used to filter according
Continue ReadingNUDE Romhacks Now Open (MUST OPT-IN!)
Romhack Plaza has taken the bold move today to open up NUDE hacks, which may feature nudity. Users MUST opt-in in their profile in order to access any of these when they are available. If you do not opt-in, you won’t be able to access them at all. At the
Continue ReadingBye Bye RHDO, Welcome to RomHack Plaza !
Change has arrived. As announced in the previous news, RHDO has changed its name to RomHack Plaza to give it a new lease of life! To go with it, the new theme is now available. Imperfections may be present, but will be improved as we go along. What’s more, the
Continue ReadingRHDO Changes Ownership
Further to the previous news, notably linked to the “drama with RHDN”. Spike, former owner of the site, has decided to leave the site and transfer ownership of the platform to someone else. I, Benjamin, have taken over the project to give it a new lease of life. As a
Continue ReadingSpike to Leave RHDO
After a talk with the mod team and reading trough the comments here and elsewhere it became clear that if this site is going to have a future it can’t be with me on it. Under any capacity. I started this site to streamline the process of uploading romhacks, I
Continue ReadingCommunity Forums Live!
Hi peeps! The site has now brand new community forums where you can communicate with each other, collaborate, teach and learn new things and who knows, maybe even find the love of your life! (?) Credentials are the same as this site. Your display name will be the same you
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