Further to the previous news, notably linked to the “drama with RHDN”. Spike, former owner of the site, has decided to leave the site and transfer ownership of the platform to someone else. I, Benjamin, have taken over the project to give it a new lease of life.

As a result, RHDO is no longer affiliated in any way with prepatched ROM platforms such as CDRomance. There’s no point in talking about it any more in the comments.

In order to give the project a new lease of life and bury the slander that followed the RHDN closure, the Spike association and Google, the site will change its name and design.

We haven’t decided on a definitive name yet, so the comments section could be a good way to propose your ideas – any idea can lead to the definitive name!

We hope you’ll like these changes, which will be coming soon (no exact dates given), and that they’ll give the platform a new lease of life, helping to shake off the bad image it’s been given by false accusations!

Thank you for keeping RHDO alive!

Note 1: The change of design does not imply a change of site. All posted content will remain available. It’s just a change of theme.

Note 2: In order to avoid any further rejection of polemics, comments on Spike’s two previous news items will be blocked.

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7 months ago

G’day from Down-Under, Benjamin, Congratulations is in order for your new top job. I really like the new name you got here. This is coming from a new member like myself. ^^

7 months ago

Welcome Benjamin, and already like the new name “RomHack Plaza” better, if you go with it I’m all for it. 🙂

edit: Also a totally non-related question, as a new user I’m not really sure on this, but how does one become “Verified” as some member have displayed under their name? Is that something I should worry about?

Last edited 7 months ago by Special
7 months ago
Reply to  Special

Verified is given to romhack authors once we verify they are following the rules and are submitting valid patches.

7 months ago
Reply to  kandowontu

Ah okay, thanks for the info.

7 months ago

Welcome to the new admin! I’ve got to say, I really like the new layout and how everything looks in general. The submission process here is easy to use and hassle-free. It’s also nice that we’re able to add multiple authors per submission. So far so good, I really like what you guys have done with the site. Hopefully in time, this site will continue to grow and shall become the new central hub of the romhacking community.

Also, I just wanted to make one small bug report: In the translation section, when selecting “Dynamic-Designs” from the Authors dropdown menu, it only displays seven translations, when there are currently over twenty. It works fine when you click on “Dynamic-Designs” on one of the translation pages, only the dropdown menu itself seems to have this error.

Also, on occasion, the site sometimes freezes and I have to either refresh the page or close the entire browser. I’m not sure if this is a problem with Firefox or the site itself, but I just thought that I should mention it as well.

Edit: I’ve recently noticed that the submission form is a bit glitched now at the moment as well. The “description”, “hashes” and “credits” section don’t display any text unless you highlight it. Same thing with the “date”, “relevant link” and “YouTube video” fields. Very odd, do these issues have something to do with the latest changes regarding the site’s name or functionality?

Last edited 7 months ago by Recca
7 months ago

What’s up Benjamin? Googie here, just wanted to show some NYC love and thanks for taking over, when I get some free time, hopefully soon by this weekend, I’ll upload my whole ROM hacking catalog onto the site. I have a lot to share, too. 🙂

7 months ago

” Romhacking Life / Life Romhacking is a good name!!!

And good luck with everything!!!

7 months ago

Are there any problems with the downloads? I can’t do any.

7 months ago
Reply to  Benjamin

And I saw that you already changed the name, before I could give my suggestion: The Romhack Domain…

7 months ago
Reply to  Benjamin

But anyway, I liked the new name, long life…

7 months ago




…to name a few. Best wishes going forward.

7 months ago

RomanceHacks. That one is for free, you’re welcome.

7 months ago
Reply to  Binho

Thats a grea~ hey wait a minute…

Bahamut ZERO
7 months ago

In all honesty, Spike stepping down and you making it explicitly clear about the site’s current affiliation, like you just have in this news post, should be beyond more than enough.

Some of the folks who were posting (not all of them of course, but definitely some) were just ginning up drama hoping to make this exact situation occur, simply because they’re no longer the center of the romhacking universe. Changing the name now would just give them something to be giddy about in their next-to-emtpy Discord servers. They don’t deserve that satisfaction, not for a second.

You already have the perfect name, and you’ve already calmed down anyone who was legitimately concerned about the cdr issue. That said, I support whatever you guys decide to do in the end regarding the site name and wish everyone a chill evening.

7 months ago
Reply to  Bahamut ZERO

The problem is what happens when you google romhacks.org. Also the fact that google is not indexing us for any other searches.

Bahamut ZERO
7 months ago
Reply to  kandowontu

Oh hell, I didn’t realize those misleading reddit threads are the first things that pop up.

Doesn’t seem to happen if I Google the site’s acronym. Granted, you guys probably don’t want to continue using “RHDO” at this point for valid reasons, but you could call it RetroHacks.org if it isn’t already in use

Last edited 7 months ago by Bahamut ZERO
7 months ago
Reply to  kandowontu

That is a good point searching finally works. People know what it is, have heard of it and probably seach by this names. Some people think the side is down when they do not find it in a search. Changing the name should be done for personal reasons. Since we are a hub for hombrew and translations too I was thinking a more inclusive name might be fitting.

Beside keeping the name would be good too since I got used to it by now.

7 months ago

RomHackersRealm.org or .net has a nice ring to it.

Whatever the name might become it might be a good idea to at least keep rom hacking/hackers in the name so it’s easy to know that this is a place for a community of rom hackers to be able to work on or collaborate on projects that the world can enjoy and where we can share and develop our skills.

7 months ago

Welcome Benjamin and much luck with everything. Here some ideas:

RRA: RetroRomAddon

HTHP: HackingTranslationsHombrewPatches

RFS: RomFanService

Thanks for the work so far with submission stuff, it means a lot to me to have a romhack-hub where every fan can submit there hacks!

7 months ago

Well, good luck in this new stage, Ben. Hopefully this will be successful and could help fixing (in some way) the stains in the community caused by childish ranting from people’s immaturity and inability of tolerate other’s viewpoints.

7 months ago

gamepatching dot com

gamepatches dot org

clownfeet dot net

Getting rid of the negative connotations the words ROM and Hacking has, when it comes to the average joe reading about the site.

It’s crazy how many people thought rhdn going down was a story of yet another romsite being taken down by Nintendo.

Last edited 7 months ago by riggles
7 months ago

My suggestions for a new name:

The Hack Depot


The Hack Repo

Both are simple, abbreviate well, and describe the site in a few words!

7 months ago

Et bien bonne chance et je te souhaite la réussite.

Well, good luck and I wish you success.

I’d also like to emphasize just how great and important your responsibility is, since RHDN’s closure the central place and reference site for romhacking has disappeared. I hope you’ll manage to attract and unite the fragmented romhacking community around this site. Cross one’s fingers.

Last edited 7 months ago by Noir
7 months ago
Reply to  Noir

We hope so! Giving submission and modification power back to the people (once verified) with no mod intervention should solve most of the issues people have been having in general on other sites.

We are passionate, enthusiastic and we are constantly improving for the community!

7 months ago
Reply to  Noir

I think the only way the community could be united will be real when people grow up and stop crying about silly issues like the ones that made some unnecessary polemics (i.e. the SSMS translation by DD or the Goemon 2 translation by Tom), and I TALK ABOUT THIS BEING A LEFTIST.

Son Gokuu
7 months ago

It’s a pity that Spike had to leave. I’ll miss him. (But we’ll meet in CDR).

Welcome BenjaminCM. I wish you the best.