A demake of a game about climbing a mountain.
CelesteNES is an attempt to recreate Celeste for the Nintendo Entertainment System, led by iProgramInCpp.
This is the first demo of CelesteNES to be made public. It contains the first two chapters and the Prologue. Happy Celeste Anniversary!
USEFUL: Press SELECT, A, or B on the title screen to change the climb button. While the game tries to automatically detect the best control scheme for your console setting, it may not be entirely accurate in the case of, for example, third-party controllers or inaccurate emulators.
Control Schemes:
– SNES: Hold L to climb
– NES-A: Hold UP to climb
– NES-B: Hold SELECT to climb (meant for emulators that allow control remapping but not using an SNES controller)
– When attempting to grab onto moving platforms, the player is slowly pulled down. (will be fixed in the next version)
zeta0134 - "First Steps" rendition
gumball2415/Persune - "Chapter Complete" rendition
buttersoap - Sound effects, postcard jingles
Maddy Makes Games - The original Celeste!