RomHack Plaza > Utilities > Stake - Utility
Stake – Utility

Category: Level Editors
Game Name: Castlevania
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Released by:
OS: Windows
Level: Beginner
Last updated:
February 1, 2004

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The tool most Castlevania hacks are made with.
Written by: bogaa - October 24, 2024
A flexible and fully featured level editor. If you have trouble using the editor feel free to ask in the forum.
Feature list
- Block (TSA) and Scene (Screens) editors
- Enemy/Candle tracker and data editor
- Palette (colors)
- Music (ID/pointers)
- Some game properties (data editor)
- Game Data File for manual tweaking to edit basicly any game..
- Optional Patches to applay within the editor
A flexible and fully featured level editor. If you have trouble using the editor feel free to ask in the forum.
The scene editor is a bit combersum to use since you need to scroll through the blocks to find them.
It would also be nice to have a preview where enemies appear in the main screen. It works fine how it is now but will take you a bit to get used to.