As I write this I just noticed I missed the 20 year anniversary of the stake tool. Feel free to talk about this tool.

Can I delete stairs in the editor?
While in Obj Edit mode. Press CRTL+RightMouseButton. With Shift+RightMouseButton you can also move it to a other screen. (This is in the offical documentation)
Where do I find the official documentation?
The editor does come with it. The stake.chm can be opened with the microsoft-HTML-helper.
I can not open this ROM with the editor. How was this hack made?
In the "file -> preference" menu you can check to ignore warnings. More ambition hacks may have there own data file since they moved stuff in the ROM that can be edited with the editor. To edit that particular hack you would need to recreate it or ask. (stake/data/game.ini)
In the second stage I can not edit some candles?
Yes, seems to be a issue with the editor itself. I tried to edit the data file without sucess. It has a error there but seems not fixable. You will need to edit them manually with a hex editor. (last bank: PRG 0x1D386,..)
How to edit secret treasures?
I still don't know how this is possible within the editor..