A useful document for veteran ROM hackers get their feet wet with hacking PlayStation games.

Includes methods to help get around the differences of hacking a PSX CD’s contents over a typical ROM, and includes some other basic info as well as tips and tricks for PSX-specific hacking.

Tutorial by:

The PlayStation hacking doc Version 2
Written by Cless
Email: psxdoc AT tales-cless DOT org

Well, the old version of my doc is pretty much useless now. It’s been needing
an update for years. I hope this one is satisfactory enough…

As before, this is mostly catered to ROM hackers who have experience. If you’re
a complete newbie to the subject of game hacking, go play with some NES games or
something first.

Table of Contents

1) What’s New
2) To readers of the first release
3) An introduction
4) Getting started (file downloads)
5) Main Method 1 – Inserting modified files back into a disc image (easy)
6) Main Method 2 – Compiling an image from extracted files (annoying)
7) Main Method 3 – CD-Tool (introduction, very hard)
8) Graphics
9) Text pointers
10) PSX Assembly language
11) Memory card tag
12) Savestate hacking is your friend

1) What’s New

V2.0 (12/5/2005) Holy crap. It’s been almost 4 years. Complete rewrite.
Info and methods were severely out of date.

V0.7 (1/11/2001) First Release.

2) To readers of the first release…

This section’s irrelevant if you’ve never read the original document. Just a few
things I’d like to get off my chest regarding the previous release.

Let’s face it. PSX2HD was a never-ending headache. On data I collected, it was
found to not work with NT-based Windows. On Windows 9x, it would constantly get
run-time errors. Sometimes it’d work on 9x, though.

The main use of PSX2HD was to correctly pull the mode2/XA data off the game disc
(used for non-CDDA streamed audio, often used in conjunction with and included
inside of video files).

Also, as a convenience to the user, PSX2HD would generate a “CTI” file, which
was a sheet with a directory structure for the files for the BUILDCD utility.
A huge problem I found was that PSX2HD did not use the original file/directory
order on the disc. So if you tried to make a PPF patch based on modifications
of the PSX2HD generated structure, you’d probably end up with a patch larger
than the disc image itself! The only solution was to analyze the original disc
and find the order of files, and modify the CTI file to put them in proper

Another utility that did not work under NT-based Windows was StripISO (although
I could’ve sworn it worked on earlier service packs of 2000). Windows XP was
out of the question. Murphy (http://www.constantthought.com/) created a
replacement called Revenge of StripISO, which is a perfect clone of the original
program that works under 2000 and XP.

Adding a license was entirely incorrect. Anyone who followed the old version
exactly would find that the resulting ISO would not boot on a real modded
console (when I made that version, I had no access to a real modded console.
I had a plug mod which allowed me to directly select the EXE from the disc so
I was unaware of problems).

There was a lot of ranting about DAEMON-Tools. It was still in development
stage back then and has become a fantastic utility, which is still being
updated to this day.

I came up with ways around all the shortcomings but never updated this document
with them. This time, I’m doing that and adding a couple of other methods.

3) An introduction

An old misconception of hacking CD games is that you’d need to hack an entire
multi-megabyte disc image to get anywhere. Not only would that be a pain in the
ass, but it is simply not true. The real way to do it is to modify the files on
the disc itself, and put them back in. However, it’s not really so obvious how
to go about putting modified files back in.

This guide illustrates or at least introduces you to methods where you can
either replace files in the disc image, compile a working PSX disc image from
a directory of files on your hard drive, or use in-depth CD manipulating

Outside of the CD-ROM “barrier” hacking PlayStation games is pretty much the
same as any old regular ROM hacking. If you’re doing a translation, you find the
font, bytes that represent text, etc, etc. Perhaps the biggest difference is
that you’ve got more bytes to look through. Though in some cases, the files are
appropriately named so finding some stuff might be pretty easy.

Compression is still used in some cases. Though it tends to be used for entire
files rather than just text and stuff. Well, I’m not too familiar with how
compression is used in cartridge-based ROMs so I’m just kind of assuming there.

Some games are quite evil. Valkyrie Profile’s data is known to be encrypted.
Chrono Cross and Xenogears don’t use a traditional CD file system for their
data, which prevents you from seeing the files on the disc entirely (aside from
the system.cnf file and the main executable). You’ll certainly need to do some
disassembling to figure these ones out.

The Tales Series games like using their own file systems too, but they’re not
that bad. They usually have big files that contain a whole bunch of other files.
There are other files that contain pointer tables that tell the starting offset
of each file inside of it. A little bit of programming can easily extract and
rebuild them.

4) Getting started (file downloads)

The various methods mentioned here require different things. Here, I am listing
the common ones…

WHAT YOU’LL NEED (minimum):

1) A PC running Windows
2) An optical disc drive capable of reading CD-ROM
3) Utility to extract a disc image from a CD such as IsoBuster
4) An emulator such as ePSXe (http://www.epsxe.com/). You will need a BIOS ROM
image to use it. As its legality is questionable I won’t provide it directly
Google for “scph1001.bin” or “scph7502.bin”.


1) An optical disc drive capable of burning CD-R media (required if emulators
cannot play the game you’re hacking).
2) A mod chipped PlayStation or PlayStation 2 system. You can also use swap
disc or plug in solutions (may not apply to PS2). There’s always the fuzzy
feeling of seeing your work running off of real hardware. Also required if
emulators cannot play the game you’re hacking.
3) DAEMON-Tools (http://www.daemon-tools.cc/). Optical disc drive emulator.
Useful for PSX emulators which do not have a built-in ISO load function.
4) Tools (http://www.tales-cless.org/util/psxutils.7z). This archive contains
many PSX development utilities, and some should certainly be relevant to
hacking as well. I was given this archive years ago. Some of it may not
work and some of it may be quite out of date. There’s also a ton of
technical documents which may contain a wealth of information. Extract with
7zip or a modern version of WinRAR.

NOTE: The best kind of CD-R media for console use is manufactured by
TAIYO YUDEN. The best place I know of in the US to get it is from
Verbatim DataLifePLUS is another acceptable type of media.

5) Main Method 1 – Inserting modified files back into a disc image

This is by far the simplest method. If you have no intention of making files
larger, adding files, or modifying any files with XA format streamed audio, this
is the definite method for you. It should work great paired with the PPF patch

You will need the following additional utility for this:

CDMage beta (http://cdmage.orcon.net.nz/beta.html). Can insert files back
into your disc image.


Put the game disc into a disc drive and load up IsoBuster. In the drop down
in the upper left hand corner of the application, select the drive you put it
in. In the tree below the drop down, right-click “CD” and you’ll get a menu.
Choose “Extract CD <Image>” -> “RAW (*.bin, *.iso)”. Then just save wherever
you want the disc image to be.


Run the CDMage beta. Under the File menu, select the .cue file to the disc
image. If you don’t have a cue or decide to just select the image, CDMage
will prompt you to select the image type. PSX discs fall under “M2/2352 track”.
Select the data track and find the file you want to insert. Right click and
select “Import file”. Select the file, and wait for it to insert. That’s all
there is to it!

6) Main Method 2 – Compiling an image from extracted files

This is much more annoying, long and tedious process with tons of steps. This is
essentially an updated version of the method used in the old version of this
doc. This method is not efficient for patching, but allows you to use files that
are larger than the originals (if necessary) or add new ones. If you’re actually
thinking of making a patch for public distribution that requires these things, I
suggest using Main Method 3.

For those of you familiar with the old version’s methodology, this mostly
replaces the PSX2HD step and adds a new step for licensing.

You will need the following additional files/utilities for this:

1) CDRWIN (http://www.goldenhawk.com/). Needed for XA file extraction.
2) BuildCD (http://www.tales-cless.org/util/buildcd.zip). With a CTI sheet,
creates a proprietary disc image out of defined files.
3) Revenge of StripISO and MakeCTI (both found in a zip in the forum post
at http://tinyurl.com/dkg5f). Revenge of StripISO converts BuildCD-
generated CD images into the standard ISO format. MakeCTI is a
convenience tool that generates a CTI file based on folder, for use with
4) License files (http://www.tales-cless.org/util/psxlicense.zip)


To get started, make a directory on your hard drive which will act as a mirror
of the game disc’s contents. Now, copy every non-XA file to that directory,
preserving the original directory tree. XA files tend to to have an .XA
extension, are often included in movie .STR files, or have XA somewhere in the
file name. Some isolated cases may have a naming convention that isn’t so

It would seem that many optical disc drives can not read files that contain XA
data, so if you unknowingly try copying over a file containing it, you’ll likely
get an error instead. And even if your drive can copy XA data like any other
file, it will NOT be doing it correctly.


Okay, this is going to be annoying to explain. PSX2HD used to do this for you,
but since that doesn’t work anymore, there’s only one other way that I know of
that will do it right– RAW sector extraction using CDRWIN. This is a
painstaking process that is done manually and takes a lot more time to do.

So, you’re going to need the sector range to extract this stuff. How do you get
it? This is where IsoBuster is going to come in handy. With your CD open in
IsoBuster, check out the files. There’s a column that says LBA. That is the
first sector for the file. To learn what the final sector is, look for the file
with the next highest starting sector. Subtract one from that number and you get
the final sector to the file you want to extract. Example:

FILE1.XA | 3423
FILE2.XA | 35709
FILE3.DAT | 63935

FILE1.XA’s first sector is 3423. FILE2.XA’s first sector 35709. Subtract 1, and
FILE1.XA’s final sector is 35708. Likewise, since FILE3.DAT begins at 63935,
FILE2.XA’s final sector will be 63934.

So, write the file name and its sector range down. Repeat that until you cover
all XA files on the disc.

Directories on the discs tend to be orderly, so you if you sort the file view
in IsoBuster by LBA, the next file should be the true up of the one you noted.

If an XA file happens to be the last one in a directory, look around on the disc
for a file (or folder! Don’t forget to check the folder LBAs too) that succeeds
it. If the XA file turns out to be the last file on the disc, go over to the
tree on the left, right click the Track, and select properties. Size (Blocks)
will give you the final sector of the disc. Use that exact number as the final
sector number.

With the filenames and sector ranges recorded, it’s time to extract with CDRWIN.
Once in CDRWIN, go to the extract menu (the upper middle button). Do this:

1) Set Extract Mode to “Select Sectors”.
2) In the Sector Selection part, set the Datatype to “Data Mode2 Mixed(2336)”
3) Under the Start Box, input the first sector for the file, and the final
sector in the end box.
4) Put the name of the file in the “Image Filename” box.

Press the START button at the bottom of the menu. It’ll start extracting the
sectors into a file. You can check the file with PSMPlay
(located at http://www.zophar.net/utilities/psxutil.html). If it plays in that,
then the file is definitely good.

Repeat as necessary for all the XA files. Note: These files should be around 15%
larger than they appear on the disc. THIS IS NORMAL, so don’t worry about it.

Now, just copy the files to the appropriate locations in your CD mirror

There, you should have a perfect mirror of the game disc on your hard drive.


Time to make a CTI file for BuildCD. But since I’m going to be a lazy ass, I’m
going to have to ask you to read the documentation to MakeCTI and make your CTI
file that way. CTIs are plain text files.

If you want to make it by hand, I’ve included the one I used to use for ToP PSX
in buildcd.zip as an example. You’ll just need to adapt it to your game. It’ll
be pretty easy to do if you pay attention to how mine is put together.
MOVIE.BIN, XAS.BIN and XAM.BIN in ToP are XA files, so pay careful attention to
the differences in how they’re represented in my CTI file to the others.

When your CTI file is done put it in the same directory as Revenge of StripISO
(Murphy’s stripiso.exe) and BuildCD. Use the command line and use the following
(or make a batch file containing):

buildcd -i<filename>.img <filename>.cti

<filename> for whatever you have/want them named. Remember the -i! If BuildCD
spits out CTI file errors, fix them and try again. When it hits 100%. You will
have compiled the contents of the CTI file into a non-standard image format. Now
it’s time to use Revenge of StripISO. Enter this into the command line (or
again, batch file it):

stripiso 2352 <filename>.img <filename>.iso

This will convert the BuildCD’s nonstandard image into a standard 2352 byte per
sector ISO file. But, we’re not done yet. The image is not licensed, so you will
have difficulty running it on modded original hardware or even some emulators.
Grab a license from the license.zip. I’ll use usalice.dat. Put it in the same
directory as the newly generated ISO, and run this command at the command line:

copy /b usalice.dat+<filename>.iso <newfilename>.iso

Wait a few minutes for it and when it’s done, you should have a perfect working

(although it doesn’t really matter, if you’d like to use the original license
data that’s on the game’s original disc instead of the ones included, dump an
ISO of the game, and copy the first 0x9300 (37632) bytes of it into a separate
file. That’ll be the game’s original license data)

When I used to use this method, I just created a batch file that did everything.
You’ll still have to press escape after BuildCD finishes, but here’s how it
looked for Tales of Phantasia PSX:

buildcd -itemp.img top.cti
stripiso 2352 temp.img temp.iso
del temp.img
copy /b toplice.dat+temp.bin ToPPSX.iso
del temp.bin

It saves a bit of time and deletes the temporary files when they’re no longer

You may find it useful to make a cue file. Make a text file that includes the
following, minus the snip lines (and replace FILENAME.ISO with your generated
ISO’s name):

——snip this line——
TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00
——snip this line——


I’m (still) not too familiar in dealing with games that have CD Audio. I’m sure
it’d at least have something to do with ripping the audio tracks to .WAV and
modifying the cue sheet, but I can’t detail a precise method for doing so. Maybe
in another update…

I do know of a couple games (Tobal No.1, Tales of Destiny) that use some weird
method of having a file on the data track that also represents a CD Audio track.
I have no clue how you’re to get around that with this method… (the files have
a .DA extension).

7) Main Method 3 – CD-Tool

One word: COMPLICATED! I honestly don’t understand how to use this efficiently
myself. But nevertheless, I feel it should be mentioned here. It’s a very
capable CD image manipulating utility controlled by scripting.

It’s supposed to be capable of doing things such as inserting enlarged files,
adding files to the image, and even adding subtitles to video files (without
re-encoding and degrading the video stream!), all while retaining a modest
patch size.

It may be easier for you to understand if you’re into programming, at least.

CD-Tool can be found at http://www.nobis-crew.org/cd-tool and has Windows,
Linux, and Mac OSX versions.

8) Graphics

PSX has a standard, generic 2D graphic file format called “TIM”. It’s very
similar to a standard windows BMP file, and I’ve seen it used in nearly every
game I’ve ever looked at.

A TIM Photoshop plugin exists but might not work on some TIM files in newer
games. This plugin can be found in the PSX Tools that I put under optional, at
http://www.tales-cless.org/util/psxutils.7z. It doesn’t seem to work on some TIM
files (perhaps ones that use an updated standard?). There might be an updated
plugin somewhere that works with them, but I don’t know where it might be.

Klarth wrote a utility that extracts TIMs from files and reinserts them. That
could make your life a lot easier if you deal with a game that has lots of TIM
files archived into one big file. You can get it at

If you deal with a TIM file that can’t be opened via the Photoshop plugin, you
might have better luck with a traditional tile editor such as Tile Molester

Klarth also wrote a document on the PSX TIM format, though it may be out of
date. Grab it at his site at http://rpgd.emulationworld.com/klarth/

9) Text pointers

The ones I’ve encountered haven’t been all that much different from typical ROM
hacking. A helpful difference is that you have no bank or lo/hi ROM type crap to
deal with.

So far I’ve only encountered 16-bit linear pointers. The pointer tables that
I’ve encountered tend to be right above the text. Some pointer values are
relative to the file offset, some are not. Others I’ve encountered are simply
relative to where the block of text begins– the first byte the text block would
simply have a pointer value of 00 00. (ToP sometimes likes to waste a byte by
starting the text at 01 00, for some unknown reason)

The dialogue pointers in Tales of Phantasia PSX are embedded within the event
script (evil as hell!) and not within a traditional pointer table. But the
pointer values are also calculated relative to the dialogue block. First byte in
the dialogue block would have a pointer value of 00 00.

In the case of ToP PSX, I find pointers relative to the start of the text data
far more commonly than pointers relative to the file offset. It could be quite
different with other games, but I haven’t messed with any PSX games as much as

At any rate, the PSX text pointers I’ve encountered are nothing terribly
advanced or strange. Good ‘ol Atlas
(http://rpgd.emulationworld.com/klarth/utilities/utility.html) will take care of
them with ease.

10) PSX Assembly language

No, you’re not going to find a complete tutorial or anything here. The PSX runs
on a RISC processor known as the MIPS R3000a. It’s almost identical to the
processor in the Nintendo 64 except it’s clocked slower and perhaps has fewer
instructions and maybe registers (not concrete info). Any disassembler meant
specifically for the N64 should be 100% backward compatible with the PSX. The
N64 uses a MIPS R4000 processor.

The disassembler I like to use for PSX is LemAsm
(http://www.nemu.com/lemasm.php). To use, File>Open ROM image, set to all files
and select the PSX file you want to disassemble. Under View select “MIPS
disassembly”. Then under Tools, do both Byteswap and Wordswap once each. To show
the proper register names, go under View again and select “Show reg names”.

Well, there’s also IDA Pro if you can get your hands on it with the PSX plugin.
It’s a lot more complicated than LemAsm but surely has a lot more functionality.
But it also commands an insane price tag.

You can find a MIPS R2000/R3000 instruction set here:

There is also this old document with a LOT of technical info:

Klarth wrote a modified version of the PCSX emulator with a code tracing
function. Grab PCSXTrace at
My P4/Windows XP box doesn’t seem to like it when you run unfiltered traces.
Instead of tracing PCSXTrace locks up. Filtered traces work for me, but for some
reason there seems to be a bug where the instruction after a JAL (or a JR, can’t
remember) doesn’t get logged.

I hear there’s a debugger out there, but I’m unsure where it is…

And finally, Skeud wrote a little document on some PSX ASM stuff. Some of the
methodology might require some stuff out of your reach but you may still find
value in it. http://www.tales-cless.org/util/psasmdoc.zip


Okay, I am by no means an ASM guru, but the PSX is a pixel-based console. Most
of the consoles that precede it are tile-based. You can do a lot of little cool
things with just a tiny pinch of easy ASM knowledge and a tracer. I was able to
make a ton of cosmetic hacks in ToP PSX’s menus with this and they came out
great. I moved things around to make room for text, and was even able to add 7
letter naming to the game (which was made easy by the fact that the RAM already
had room for a 7th letter). You can also do things such as change the fixed
width of a font. Check out the “hacking save states” section of this document
for some more info on how to hack like this.

11) Memory card tag

When you check out the memory card manager, you’ll see text data relating to the
game save you’ve highlighted at the bottom of the screen.

This text is stored in Japanese Shift-JIS, and you should be able to find it in
the main EXE. Quite often, variables are also stored in it. If you translate
a game title from Japanese (Without abbreviating or turning the title into an
acronym), it may spill over into the variables. The only way to fix it is to
adjust their positions via ASM hacking.

12) Savestate hacking is your friend

Due to the fact that the PSX uses CD-ROMs, things work a little differently. RAM
is not only used for storing variables. It’s also used to store entire data
files from the disc. Generally, the main EXE is always loaded, and what other
files are loaded in memory can vary depend on the position of the game.

If you want to play with something that occurs at a certain point in a game, but
don’t want to go through the hassle of having to insert a modified file back
into an ISO, or rebuild the ISO every time, you can hack the contents of RAM via
a savestate. It’s as quick and simple as hacking any old console ROM. It’s great
for testing things quickly. When everything’s good, you can just copy and paste
the data back into the original file to “hardcode” it into the game.

ePSXe and PCSX savestates are compressed with Gzip. Rename them with .gz added
and extract them with winzip, winrar, or just about any other decompression
utility. ePSXe can load decompressed savestates as long as long as
the savestates have the same filename as the original compressed save state
(minus the .gz extension, of course). I don’t know if PCSX supports loading of
decompressed savestates.

RAM begins in an (uncompressed) ePSXe savestate at offset 1BA.

As an added tip, getting to know what files are generally in RAM all the time
can be very valuable knowledge. For example, in ToP PSX, the dialogue font is
ALWAYS in RAM, at the same offset. Considering it’s a Japanese font, it’s a 50KB
file with all the kanji. But since the kanji is useless for English, you can use
all that space for just about anything you might need extra RAM space for (such
as code). Getting rid of all the kanji freed up over 40KB! We now use it for ASM
hacks, DTE table, width table data for variable width fonts, and just about
everything else we add to the game.


So… announced in the Assembly section, I talked about easy tricks to do
cosmetic hacking. Testing and such goes hand in hand with savestate hacking so I
thought that would be best explained here.

You will need the following to do this:

1) PCSXTrace and PSXAddress (both located at
2) ePSXe (http://www.epsxe.com/)
3) Hex Workshop (http://www.bpsoft.com/). My favorite general purpose hex
editor, by far.
4) UltraEdit32 (http://www.ultraedit.com/). Simply the best simple text
editor out there. Notepad doesn’t handle large files very well.

For this method to work, you will absolutely NEED to be capable of taking pixel-
accurate screenshots. So turn off all your fancy filtering and whatever. All
the NTSC games I’ve seen use either 256×240, 320×240, or 640×480. Sometimes the
resolution can vary in different parts of a game. 320×240 is the most common
res I’ve seen used in general.

Alright. So let’s say we want to move something such as text over 10 pixels to
the right. If we took a screenshot as the text is in its original position, we
find that it is 160 pixels from the far left of the screen.

Let’s make an ePSXe savestate on the screen where this text is, then decompress
it as stated earlier.

Now, let’s run PCSXTrace. Configure it to do filtered traces. Now run the game.
Get to a screen just before when this text we want to move is to appear on the
screen. Hit F11 to start tracing, and quickly do whatever needs to be done to
get to the screen that has this text. When you get to that screen, quickly hit
F11 again to stop tracing and exit the emulator. There should now be a text file
in the PCSXTrace directory called trace.log, it should be at least around 400KB
or far more. Open it in UltraEdit.

If you’re unfamiliar with PSX ASM, this is simply going to look like a huge mess
of nonsense. To keep things simple, we’re just going to search the file for the
position of the text we want to move over. Remember? The text is 160 pixels from
the far left, so the value for the position of the text will be the same! Search
the text file for “00A0 (160)” (minus quotes). You might find a few matches.

Here’s where PSXAddress becomes useful. The 80XXXXXX number on the left is the
memory address where the instruction was read. Put this number in PSXAddress’
RAM column, and it will give you the offset of the instruction in the ePSXe

Open the savestate in Hex Workshop and go to the offset. If you did everything
correctly the byte at the address should be A0 00. Change it to AA 00. Save the
savestate, run the emulator, and load the savestate. If the text moves over 10
pixels, you found it! If it doesn’t, try the other results in the trace log.

If none of the results work, there are several possibilities:

1) The positions are not controlled via ASM, but possibly data.
2) The co-ordinate is wrong. Sometimes there may be transparent pixels to the
left of the text or object. These count! Try doing searches in the trace
log by subtracting from the theoretic position.
3) There may be an odd algorithm that determines the position (beyond the reach
of this guide).
4) PCSXTrace has a bug where where the instruction after a JAL or JR doesn’t get
logged. I have seen instances where the co-ordinate instruction I’m looking
for gets eaten by this!

Things that may help (slightly more advanced). Positions are usually controlled
with an ADDIU instruction. In my experience, at least with ToP, co-ordinates use
the registers a0, a1, a2, and maybe a3. Typically, an instruction that controls
the vertical position will also be very very close (if it’s not right before or
after it)

Find out what file the code is stored in on the disc and make the necessary
change to hard code it. To make it easier to find, use hex workshop to copy a
large string of hex code around the instruction you’re changing, and then do a
hex search on the CD files to find it. If you can’t find it for some reason, it
may be compressed or (even worse) encrypted.

Well, I hope some of this made sense at least. The same type of thinking could
apply to anything. 16 pixel fixed width font? Start a trace before the font
starts drawing. Search the trace log for “0010 (16)”, and try changing the
results to 08 00 and you could change the font to 8×16 as simply as that. To
get 7 letter naming in ToP, all I did was change a bunch of 06 values to 07 (and
in one case, a 05 to a 06).

Once you get the procedure down, it’s all down hill from there. As I’ve shown,
you can do a lot of nifty things with this.


Well, I guess that just about wraps it up.

If you think something isn’t explained well and you have relatively good
comprehension skills, let me know. I’m not always confident in explaining things
clearly, and my own comprehension skills aren’t that great. Send mail to
psxdoc AT tales-cless DOT org (format into a real email).

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