Game Name: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  Version 1.2
Last updated:  February 13, 2001
Downloads:  216

If you’re one of those lame kiddies who think that graphics make a good RPG, well you’re going to like Tales of Phantasia. If you’re everybody else, and you know that gameplay is also important to a good RPG, well you’re going to like Tales of Phantasia. This is one of the games developed by the god-company tri-Ace, back when they still worked for Namco and stuff. They’re the same folks who made Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile, and the same things that made those games badass are at work in this one: awesome graphics, and a kickass game to back it up, with a different and innovative combat system. If you can’t tell, I like this game a lot. Describing the battle system is difficult.. I’ve frequently heard it referred to as sort of a fighting game, but that’s completely wrong. It allows for a lot more strategy and movement than most games, but you really have to see it for yourself. A is to attack, B is to use a special technique, Y is to change your targeting, and X brings up the menu. Sure, the AI’s dumber than a rock, and it’s annoying when you’re trying to fight a Harpy and you’re just standing there slashing at air, but it’s more fun than you’re likely to have from doing something else. And that’s what’s important.

Above is DeJap’s original description of the final release of their translation of Tales of Phantasia, a really good action JRPG released late on the SNES in Japan only, developed by Wolf Team (later Namco Tales Studio). While their work might not be the most accurate to the Japanese script, it’s arguably one of the most memorable translations released during its time, and the first way many experienced the first entry in the legendary Tales of franchise, predating the international release of the Tales of Phantasia GBA port by at least five years.

Filename: Tales of Phantasia (Japan).sfc
CRC-32: e9946b84
SHA-1: fdecb234f416eb1cc1924e4f3d52c080c5bcd8d0
DeJap Translations for makinng the translation;
Wolf Team/Namco Tales Studio for making the game.
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