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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  New 1.0
Last updated:  August 11, 2024
Downloads:  219

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars ~Rebrick Time Capsule~ is a construction of what a wishful retranslation of the 1996 SNES game might have looked like had it been done by Square Enix in the vein of their other classic RPGs. This on and off project took on several internal phases over the years, and in light of the 2023 Switch remake, it has reached a point where the author has deemed that further work on it is not too necessary. In addition to the retranslated script, original research was conducted and kept close to the chest in order to showcase regional differences that were unheard of in the public sphere, even down to the control code level. Refer to the enclosed reading material for a taste if you so choose. Please support the official release.

New 1.0: Rebrick Time Capsule additionally comes with Super NES and Nintendo Switch namesets, for those who want the retranslation effort with minimal changes to the official English terminology, and the Super Famicom nameset, for those who want something completely different.

Filename: Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars.sfc
CRC-32: 1b8a0625
SHA-1: a4f7539054c359fe3f360b0e6b72e394439fe9df
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