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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  April 12, 2014
Downloads:  37

The story: Having been soundly beaten by the Zuhl while traveling from parts unknown, our hero is suffering from amnesia as he awakens at Nina’s cottage in the Village of Beta. Regardless, he is determined to keep fighting the evil Zuhl demons, an enemy that has plagued the world throughout recorded history. All our hapless warrior recalls is his name and the fact he must find the current Light Warrior, the only person on the planet who has been blessed by the gods to serve as the ultimate protector against a final Zuhl victory.

Using up to three teams that may contain as many as four members each, the hero will fight battles using his own party, a Mercenary team, and an Idol team (statuettes or figurines with the elemental energy of the gods stored inside). A player may switch between these team types in the middle of battles, allowing a weaker team to jump in at the very end and cherry-pick all of the EXP (experience points)!

In Magic Guilds, Idols may be combined to create stronger and more advanced fighting units. All types of fighters gain levels. This means Idol fighters function much the same as people fighters. Although at first, selecting Idols for a battle round seemed a bit like using items, the difference was this. An item such as a Thunder Sword that casts the Lightning spell (just to pick an example that has been used in other games) normally does not increase in levels, experience, potency, and attributes (such as defense and luck) – not in the same manner that organic and robotic fighters do in a typical game.

However, compared to people fighters, Idols have limitations. For example, Idols cannot be armed with weapons and armor. In addition, Idols fight only with magic, but they do enjoy one significant advantage over people. Idols appear to be immune to many if not all of the enemy’s magic spells. Therefore, selecting a Idol team to oppose a particular foe that uses strong offensive magic may turn out to be an effective strategy.

Meanwhile, Mercenaries wield only weapons, while the hero’s party is capable of fighting with either equipped weapons or learned magic. During and in between battles, the hero’s party may be healed, bolstered, and cured of status ailments (such as “Poisoned”). On the other hand, Mercenaries and Idols do not appear to be “fixable” during battle (must check on this). However, in some and maybe even all cases, Idols and Mercenaries seem to regenerate HP and MP after battle, completely and automatically. We still have much to learn concerning battle and fighter paramenters in Silva Saga-II.

Name: Silva Saga II (J).smc
Size: 3,145,728 bytes (headerless)
MD5: DCEC11FCF8C2355F07F6EE4144E70A85
CRC32: 67E1756B
Akujin: Translation
Shiva Indis: Translation
Bongo`: Hacking
Wildbill: Script Writing
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