Game Name: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  August 16, 2016
Downloads:  14

Contained within this archive is an IPS (international patching system) file, or a patch file in another format for the end user’s convenience, that when used in conjunction with a ROM file will make the game playable in English.

Kaitou Saint Tail is based on the anime of the same name. A problem is brought to Seira Mimori’s attention. Through a series of events explained in the game, fake gems have been sold as real gems. Meimi Haneoka as Saint Tail is tasked with replacing the fake gems with the real gems.

You walk around on a map avoiding guards and collecting magic cards to get into people’s mansions to swap jewels. Magic cards let you do things like temporarily put guards to sleep and jump over hedges as well as other things at random. Once you’ve reached a mansion, you play a series of minigames as a way to swap gems. Each minigame allows you to swap 1 gem. Once you’ve swapped all 5 you then have one final minigame to make your escape from Daiki Asuka aka Asuka Jr. who is, as usual, hot on your heels.

The game also features a 1p and 2p minigame mode were you can skip the story and just select whatever minigame you want to play.

The 2p minigame mode will not activate without a game gear to game gear link cable linking two game gears together.

File: Kaitou Saint Tail
Name: Kaitou Saint Tail
Company: Sega
Header: None
Mapper: Sega
Type: Normal
ROM: 512 KB
Country: Japan
Video: NTSC
Revision: 1.0
CRC32: 937FD52B
CRC64: E88B7544B3081A6F
SHA256: 533612D3D0F7D66CEF91681D5A8E4B2FEB325F97B85C547CFB4339AA9F80EA30
BLAKE2sp: 8D888DF659DF93F73DF62CAAED0AC771799415AB974F9A0F8E51AF23AC79F9F3
taskforce: Hacking
filler: Translation
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