In a mystical world far away, a legendary race of beings called Shell Monsters dwell. These are not those sorts of monsters that threaten other life forms, though. Just the opposite. Instead, these special “people” live extremely long lives and enjoy mysterious powers that certain heroes – sometimes reluctantly – use against tyrants that threaten the peaceful existence of their World of Shelldorado!
Such a threat has arisen recently – a fiend known as “Fat Badger – and Elder Hermit Crab of Shell Village is about to invoke an ancient chant that elders must memorize, to summon a human hero from another world that is quite distant from Shelldorado. Soon, the perplexed would-be hero, whether he wants to or not, will embark on an ocean voyage in the flimsy Puka shell craft, hoping to locate his madcap shell hero companions who somehow seem to be drifting far afield from their assigned duties!
(No-Intro version 20130701-030720)
CRC32: 39CA5291
ROM/File SHA-1: C8965FD570D8986C43496A85697A6BEA652A4655
filler: Translation Support
Bongo`: Hacking
taskforce: Font and Splash Page
Wildbill: Script Writing
FlashPV: Title Page
Absolutely amazing translationm the team worked hard on this and it shows.
This game has quickly become one of my SNES RPG favourites, go POYON!
Thanks DD