This translation is complete and fully playable in the Romanian language. The only small bits of English text remaining are the graphics for character elemental magic affinities and such. Aside from those small parts, the main script, items, techs, etc. are all completely translated. In order for this patch to be applied, the rom must have no header and must be 4.00 MB in size under “properties”. A readme .txt file is included in the .zip file along with the .ips patch.
GoodSNES: Chrono Trigger (U)
NoIntro: Chrono Trigger (USA)
Size: 4,194,304 bytes (headerless)
MD5: a2bc447961e52fd2227baed164f729dc
CRC32: 2D206BF7
NoIntro: Chrono Trigger (USA)
Size: 4,194,304 bytes (headerless)
MD5: a2bc447961e52fd2227baed164f729dc
CRC32: 2D206BF7
Recca: Romanian translation
Relevant link:
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