Ar tonelico 2
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.00
Last updated:  December 29, 2016
Downloads:  70

This patch is a complete relocalization for Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica, which has been noted to have received quite a poor localization effort from NIS America given the sheer number of mistranslations and lack of editing the English script had.

Therefore, the game script has been completely relocalized using the original Japanese script as its basis, and several graphics have been edited to maintain consistency with the new script.

All videos that featured voice acting or any sort of text have been subtitled as well, and the introductory sequence also had the part where the logo shows up restored, given the official localization broke the synchronization with the song playing in it due to the removal of that particular segment.

It additionally corrects the following bugs:

  • Restores the visual effects and notification box for the Phase 2 world map.
  • Players always receive the “Clear!” effect when a DP event is triggered during Dives if they have equal or slightly more DP than needed to pay the cost.
  • The “Boss Key” feature that appears when pressing Select during Dives had its images restored.
  • Fixes the infamous “Raki bug” and also restores the culprit skill’s full functionality.
  • Reprograms the Hymmnos font to work more similarly to the way it was intended and adds the glyphs it had missing.
  • Super Moves don’t have their damage nullified from having the “Effect Change” property from the Dualithnode Crystals active anymore.
  • It’s not possible to heal enemies through overflowing the amount of damage caused anymore.
  • Luca’s “Soothing Incense” song magic works properly now.
  • Fixes the pointers so some monster attacks display their names properly.
  • Skills that are supposed to cause multiple types of elemental damage at once can do so now.
  • Fixes the incorrect sprites for some events.
  • Fixes an event-related bug that made it impossible to keep advancing through Cloche’s Cosmosphere when the player was kicked out during the Lv. 4 introduction due to insufficient DP.
  • Fixes an event-related bug that interrupted the tutorial for the Replekia system and that forced the player to reset.
  • Fixes a couple of incorrect event conditions that made its corresponding events impossible to trigger.
  • Forces the game to display the true Sync Value for the three heroine pairs instead of the fake value the base game showed.
  • Fixes the flag problem that made some FMVs impossible to unlock in the Extra menu. However, this was done at the cost of completely removing the English voice acting.
  • Restored completely the Japanese voice acting, as there were some scenes that even the undub version that was available previously was unable to restore.
  • Repaired several graphic assets, as some of them had their coloring or their transparency effects eliminated in the localization due to damage to their alpha channels or the removal of their CLUTs.

Finally, it adds back multiple dummied out scenes that were found amongst the game files, including restoring the puzzles that were slated to exist in the Gyro Stabilizer and Tower to the Heavens dungeons, and adds a Hard difficulty mode. Changing to this Hard difficulty mode changes the following in regards to gameplay:

  • All enemy stats were increased, and some of their attack patterns were adjusted.
  • The timing leniency given by the “Guard+” Girl Power bestowed by some IPDs has been reduced.
  • Replekia’s boosting effect has been greatly reduced.
  • Song Magic now charges at half speed, and healing songs only heal for half their effect.

For more details on all the changes that have been made to the game as part of the creation process for this patch, please follow this link.

The patcher and the instructions on how to apply the patch, in .txt format, are included in the same archive as the patch.

Filename: ar_tonelico_2_us.md5
CRC-32: b80eac14
SHA-1: ad162bc272cf28f9e7f0c05b987ffff41e4c44fd
aquagon: Main translator, world setting verifier
KWhazit: Translation and verification
fetjuel: Translation and project hosting
void: Main editor. General programming and hacking
TerraBreaker: Dumping, insertion and image formats reverse-engineering
Kari: Graphics editing
Cless: Executable dumping/insertion, general hacking
RyleFury: ASM Hacking
Zak Blayde: Trailer creation and editing
Soukyuu: Graphics and video editing
Morganite: Dumper/Inserter development, game data documentation
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