Hack Name:  The Life And Times Of Grand Dad Bowsette Strikes Again
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  July 22, 2024
Type of Hack:  Graphics, Text
Downloads:  42

It was just a regular day in the Mushroom Kingdom when all of a sudden disaster strikes, but it doesn’t look as if Bowser is up to his usual antics at least not this time, its non other than Bowsette and it looks like she’s at it again but both Mario And Luigi are still on vacation in Brooklyn. Who will be the hero to save the day an restore peace once and for all, It isn’t Freddie Flintstone and it isn’t Barney Rubble, nope it’s Grand Dad. It looks like its now up to him to go on an adventure to save the Princess and stop Bowsette’s evil reign for good. This is going to be a weird adventure.

Filename: Super Mario Bros. (World).nes
CRC-32: 3337ec46
SHA-1: ea343f4e445a9050d4b4fbac2c77d0693b1d0922
Retro Master HD-Original Rom Hacking
GoogieToons-Grand Dad sprite and some GFX
NesInvent-A few GFX, Peach and Koopa Troopa sprites
Kazufox-Bowsette sprite
No Body-Hedgehog and Hammer Bro sprites
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