Hack Name:  Streets of Rage 2: Sailor Moon
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.1
Last updated:  November 20, 2018
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, SFX, Text
Downloads:  100

The Sailor Soldiers/Guardians fight in this ROM Hack of Streets of Rage 2. Even Chibiusa is included (she replaces Shiva and takes more damage from non-knockdown hits).

Everyone can safe land from slams in addition to throws, except Chibiusa.

Jupiter as Max
Moon as Axel
Mars as Blaze
Mercury as Skate
Venus as Adam
Chibiusa as Shiva

Large Shade as Galsia
Emily as Donovan
Harman Do Elan as Signal
Aska as Kusanagi
Mariko Konjo as Eagle

Uranus as as Barbon
Neptune as Zamza
Pluto as R. Bear
Murido as Abadede
Saturn as Mr. X

Filename: Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!].smd
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
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Great Sailormoon Streets Of Rage Hack, Just Needs Some Fine Tuning

Written by: Adrian Gauna - January 22, 2025

Okay the wife and I have been watching a lot of Sailormoon lately and playing the Sega Mega Drive game of it and I remember that Yoni put out this hack a while back so I went back to try it and got mixed reactions from playing it. Shall we start with the bad things and then move on to the good things?

Bad Things: 

The movement of Sailormoon is very slow, felt like a snail crawl which makes it difficult to creep around the pack of enemies and land a hit or two.

I found that picking up the knife is useless as your attacks don't connect when holding the knife so the knife isn't worth picking up. The knife guy who now looks like Jason Voorhees in stage 1 who waits by the car can't be hit at times when he's holding the knife either, your best chance of hitting him is a jump kick.

Nearly all the enemies are overpowered and are 2 or 3 times harder than in the original game, I played it on normal with Sailormoon and it felt like it was on mania or expert. 

Some of (Usagi) Sailormoon's normal attacks just don't connect with certain enemies making it painful to clear all the enemies and some enemies just continually circle around you immune from your hits.

I played this patch 3 times, the first try I got stuck on stage 1 as the forward arrow never appeared after clearing a certain amount of enemies forcing me to reset, the second time I made it up to Stage 5 on the ship and then it hard crashed on me. The third try I managed to finish it with Sailormoon seeing the ending, more on that at the bottom.

The music is the worst part, it's awful, i'm sorry Yoni but it's awful! That horrible robot farting noise in the rhythm gets monotonous never changing or ceasing in any of the music tracks.

Good Things: 

I really appreciate that all sprites and characters have been changed in this hack and they're done really well. Nearly all the enemies are female giving the game a real ''Girl Power'' vibe.

Love how the cheats are unlocked from the get-go so you can start with 9 lives.

Fonts are nicely changed giving the game a fresh new look.

The story is changed in order to support Sailormoon and the other remaining Sailor soldiers.

The all around attention to detail is amazing and all the hard work by Yoni and others is greatly appreciated.


The hard crash at stage 5 needs fixing and after it happened to me I played it again a third time to see if the same crash appears in the same exact spot and it does but it only triggers a crash when you pick up the sword on the open ship section, if you don't pick up the sword, the game doesn't crash and all is good. I tested this carefully as I used a Mega EverDrive and saved state right before the crash and tried different things to pass it and it turned out to be the sword. Don't pick up the sword.

I think the music needs to be left alone, messing around with Koshiro's score making it sound like an ATGames console doesn't make gamers want to replay it. And finally the difficulty needs to be tweaked and lowered slightly along with making all of Sailormoon's attacks connect with the enemies and making her use the knife, then I think this can be a really great Streets of Rage 2 hack. The hard crash it gave me on my second attempt out of the blue originally made me give this hack a 3 out of 5 stars, I was too hasty and after my third try beating the game i'm happy to come back and edit this review to give this hack a 4 out of 5 stars.

With a bit of polishing and tweaking I think she'll be right for a future patch.

Well done Yoni.

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