Hack Name:  Streets of Rage 2 Hong Kong 97
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.04
Last updated:  January 18, 2025
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Levels, Music, Text
Downloads:  641

Streets of Rage 2 Hong Kong 97

This is an ips patch for the Genesis Mega Drive ROM file, Streets of Rage 2 (USA).
It is based on that legendary SNES KUSO game “Hong Kong 97”, and is a deliberate KUSO version of the classic Streets of Rage 2. By the way, the characters in the game are fictional and have nothing to do with real people.

-Hack rom “Streets of Rage 2 Double X” is modified on the basis and made to look like a Shmups.
-All music has been replaced. (You can revert to the original music with a sub-patch.)
-Some characters have been replaced.
-Aerial combos.
-Enemies appear more frequently.
-Attack power increases when the player’s health is low. (Throwing remains the same.)
-The XP System increases the performance of characters based on their score.

Special controls

-A+C or Z to change player character.
-Y or B+C to fire bullets. (6B pad is recommended.) You can change the way bullets are emitted by using the option menu.
RAPID ON   Default. Super powerful as it hits the enemy continuously like a machine gun. There is a little gap.
RAPID OFF   Little gap, but weak because it hits the enemy with a single shot. If you hit it repeatedly, it hits continuously in the air.
(If you kill an enemy with only bullets, you will not get a score or the number of enemies you have killed. You can get a score by hitting the enemy with a blow and then a bullet.)
-Forward,Forward is Dash.
-Forward,Forward,A is Blitz2
-Up or down + A button to avoid. Basically, avoid up or down.
(Blaze backsteps and Adam stays where he is without moving.)
-When Players are blown away by an enemy’s attack, they can land by holding down the C button. The same operation is used when thrown.

VER 1.04 changed

-Fixed a bug that prevented continuation by the emulator.

-Fixed screen glitch at the beginning of 8-1 with certain characters, and minor bug fixed.

VER 1.03 changed

-AXEL’s OFFSP has changed.
-BLAZE striking attack changed.
-Added Recover motion.
-Minor bug fixed in shooting.
-Added an intro.
-Removal of garbage displayed in the title and ending.
-Updated Sub-patch :
ADD_OnlyChinShoot_SOR2XX-HK97 as well, since the version up date causes the addresses to overlap.
Please download the new version.

VER 1.02 changed

-The SRAM has been eliminated to make a single patch.
-Player character can now be changed by pressing A+C or Z button.

Ver 1.01h changed
-Changed main palette.

Additional Patch (Apply over HK97 rom)

-Music back to Vanilla Street of Rage 2 ‘s music.

-Additional patch to playable characters other than Chin will back attack instead of shot by B+C as the original.

Filename: Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!].bin
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
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