This is an ips patch for the Genesis Mega Drive software Streets of Rage 2 (USA).
-Port of the Rage Relay (Quartet) mode from the 3DS version of Streets of Rage 2.
-Select the order by player select, and change the character after you lost 1 life.
-If you are at 4 lives and you get 1UP, your life will not increase and you will recover fully.
-The number of victory in Duel mode is 3
Game Genie Code
No life extend
FD9B-8A88 ($1FFEDF : 0C -> 28)
AX9B-8A9E ($1FFEE5 : 06 -> 04)
This patche can be used with the original ROM, or overlaid on Hackrom’s Easy Battle.
Streets of Rage 2 Easy Battle
VER 1.0b Updated
Reduced startup time.
Assigned B+C to Y.
Filename: Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!].bin
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
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