This patch combines d0k3’s QoL improvements with Greiga Master/StraDaMa’s D-Pad Patch to address common frustrations in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, such as slow train travel and cumbersome mic-blowing. It enhances gameplay without changing the core experience.
- 1.5x faster train speeds in 2nd gear and reverse
- Boost mode (4x speed) by holding L or R, 8x speed with both L & R in 2nd gear
- Mic-blowing replaced by button input (L or R for flute, A everywhere else)
- Full D-Pad controls for movement, swordplay, and rolling
- A Super Secret Cheat Code for those who actually read readmes
This patch does not work with and may even result in a corrupted savegame on DSTT flashcards. Similar issues with other flashcards are not known, although it may be incompatible. Proceed at your own risk.
CRC-32: 38392357
SHA-1: 1f0921b5e99db9d92d24710f1b004e4f3c997b73
BPS file: loz_st_dpad_qol-0.9c-ua.bps
Filename: Legend of Zelda, The - Spirit Tracks (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).nds
CRC-32: 84aa2400
SHA-1: 9e99cc803a14ce038eb908db585431f8254f09ee
BPS file: loz_st_dpad_qol-0.9c-e.bps
D-Pad Patch: Greiga Master / StraDaMa
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.
Hi! Is there any chance that you can include an AP patch aswell in the bps file? I am trying to play the game on TWiLight Menu++ and the dpad patch does work but I can’t test the QOL patch out because I get hit with the anti piracy measure during the train tutorial.
My understanding is that romhackers don’t want to add an AP patch to avoid legal troubles. However, you can hack the game to add AP yourself. I used this forum thread to do it myself. FAST6191’s posts, especially his third post, was very helpful.
Wow, this is great, will you make pal compatible? Pal support more language i guess
I’d like to, but the D-Pad patch by Greiga Master is only available for the US version.
Keep in mind the (E) version for some reason also has weird, changed english names for some places and things, which you may not want.
I thought it was this you were using:
It say: Eu support, are you using another project?
Nope, that’s it, but I’m not able to compile it, so I had to rely on the one Greige Master compiled earlier, which they did only for (U).
Do you mean a compiled rom?
Yup, I meant Greiga Master’s compiled rom ie. the xdelta patch he provided. Contrary to popular belief, that patch works with the good dump as well, because none of the “bad parts” of the bad dump are relevant.
I have compiled the pal rom with github code, can it be helpfull for making pal version?
If it works, yes. Can you upload the BPS patch (not the rom, please) somewhere?
I don’t have the bps, i just compiled using git, i can make a bps from the compiled rom?
I think i maybe understood how to do it. I will make a bps of both.
Where i can email you?
It’s better to not put an email adress out in the open (would lead to lots of spam, I guess).
For small files such as these you could just use
This is the patch for spirit track.
There are some notes: I think i used a trimmed rom for making the patch. The compiler will autotrim the game i guess since i compiled it again. I have the original untouched trimmed rom which i used to compare for this patch. This patch is untested, i just booted the patched game to see if it works.
Let me know if you need something else.
Thanks, got it! I’m having some trouble finding the base rom dump for this BPS patch. It expects CRC ed48917c, however none of the (E) dumps I found, not even in trimmed form, has this.
By the way, you may use the online rom patcher to check for the expected CRC and also to check if the BPS patch works.
Okay, i did a bunch of tests, the new compiled rom seems to not work as intended since che dpad wont work as a controller.
So… i went backward.
In this topic there’s also the patch for eu rom contained in the mediafire link. I open xdelta, setted as source the original untouched eu rom, eu patch as patch and i ignored the checksum and it should work. As of my tests.
This one may have bugs, because it does not include the changes from update 2 (see this readme). Regardless, I can try it, but I’d still recommend the (U) version. Know that savegames are compatible between all versions of Spirit Tracks.
Do you mean that us save is compatible with eu save?
Yes, that’s what I meant. You can switch at any time.
I just uploaded an update, including a BPS for the (Europe) version. I tested it and it seems to contain teh bugfixes from Greiga Masters Update 2, so this should be good to go.
Amazing! I’m really happy about this. This quirky game got a real nice upgrade.
Also thank you for your help with this!
This just keeps leaving me with 2 black screens on my R4. Was this meant to run on a flashcard???
If you’re willing to test, I can look into fixing this.
Sure. How can I help?
I just uploaded an update – try it. If that still doesn’t work, you could also use the (now included) D-Pad-only BPS patch alongside with the fitting CHT file (your R4 OS should have AR comaptibility included).
For more info, look into the readme and let me know how it goes.
Works great so far. Any way to make it so you can play the game WITHOUT using the touch screen?
Do you want a total touchless experience?
I also play this on my Steam Deck.
And the alignment on the touch screen is out of whack.
I understand, but I have my doubts touchless Spirit Tracks would become a reality. It would involve lots of testing, also some stuff would be difficult to do with just buttons (drawing symbols, for example).
Is touchscreen alignment only a proble, for DS games? Then it should be some software setting in your DS emulator.
Why would you want to remove touch controls?
Even in Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light you can move your character around and interact by touching the touch screen.
I also play this on my Steam Deck.
And the alignment on the touch screen is out of whack.
Well, play the game a standard DS/3DS console if you have one.