Hack Name:  Sonic 1 The Blue Blur - Easy God Mode Edition (Fixed)
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  v1.2
Last updated:  November 1, 2023
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Cheats, Gameplay, Graphics, Levels, Text
Downloads:  61


Sonic 1 The Blue Blur is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Mega Drive, originally created by Schwa. It gives each Zone totally new palettes and layouts, with the latter designed to be more difficult than those of the original game.

It was originally released in 2007 on Sonic Retro by Schwa and had a very serious bug in it located right at the start of Zone 6 ”Gimmick Egg Zone Act 1” when Sonic starts to walk forward the game heavily crashes with no way forward making the game incomplete with no way of finishing it. That is until 2020 when I fixed it.

I decided to open up the ROM one day in a hex editor and look for where the bad string was located. The offending ”illegal instruction” was the value 00011A with the corresponding numbers 00011A05-00011A06, with a simple change of the ASCII code 07 to 88 I was able to get the game up and running flawlessly and as a result, it does not crash anymore at the start of Gimmick Egg Zone Act 1. I can personally confirm that this rom will now work on any original Mega Drive PAL or NTSC Japanese Mega Drive or NTSC Genesis. It will also work on the Analogue Mega SG and any emulator.



This newer version (v1.2) is made by Portuguese-Brazilian ROM hacker ”God Mode” who has hacked the game further to make it a lot more easier than the original.

The New Features Include:

  • Each ring picked up is worth 8 rings.
  • You no longer lose your rings when hit by enemies and spikes.
  • You have an endless double jump to your advantage.
  • When hit, any nearby rings picked up instantly grants you a 1-up.
  • When the game is paused and then unpaused, press B button and you can enable the debug mode.
  • Pausing in-game now lets the music keep playing.
  • The scoring screen now tallies up rings collected past 999.


Using the debug feature by pausing in-game and then unpausing and pressing B makes it very easy to navigate through the very difficult Special Stages of this hack.

You can collect an insane amount of rings in this game as every ring is worth 8 of them and when hit by an enemy or spikes, any scattered rings picked up adds to your ring count and grants you an extra life.

Regardless of the site links and Youtube videos added onto this page, just be sure you download the patch from this page. Downloading it from Razor & Zenon, AmyRose Longplays, Sonic Retro, romhacking.net, God Mode’s Youtube page or the Schwa rainbow of hacks page you’ll get the (broken) ROM each and every time. All those hosted sites and page downloads don’t have my ”Gimmick Egg Zone Act 1” bug fix implemented as they have all got it originally from site A (Sonic Retro) which also doesn’t have my bug fix in it to begin with.

If you generally struggle with the original version of this hack and find it too difficult then give this one a try! It makes the game very easy to play through. It goes against the original author’s vision of the hack but I figured since ”God Mode” hacked it further I felt I had to fix that crash again in Gimmick Egg Zone Act 1 otherwise everybody will be getting a broken version of the game whether it’s Schwa’s original or God Mode’s revamped hack found here.

This ROM hack is owned by Schwa and Schwa only. 

Property owned by SEGA.

Filename: Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe).md
CRC-32: f9394e97
SHA-1: 6ddb7de1e17e7f6cdb88927bd906352030daa194
Schwa: Level layouts and recolours.
God Mode: Re-programming and making the game far easier.
Adrian Gauna: Illegal Instruction/bug fix and fixed CheckSum.
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