Sonic 1 Swift is a complete hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 1. It features:
- New level design
- New musics
- New zones
- Edited bosses with different strategies
- Non-rotating Special Stages
- Collectable 1-ups through the special stages
- A Speed and Invincibility power up once you collect all 6 Chaos Emeralds
- Spindash and some bugfixes from the vanilla game (thanks to Sonic hacking Studio)
- Custom enemy sprites
And more.
Filename: Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe).md
CRC-32: f9394e97
SHA-1: 6ddb7de1e17e7f6cdb88927bd906352030daa194
CRC-32: f9394e97
SHA-1: 6ddb7de1e17e7f6cdb88927bd906352030daa194
File download:
Really Enjoyed this rom hack. The first boss though really throws the flow out with the bathwater though. Way harder than any other boss and the stages return to being more casual after.
could it be possible to perhaps try having two static platforms on either side or in the middle or perhaps changing the ball swinging mechanic to be less chaotic in regards to desyncing with the moving platform?