Going once, going twice! Here is an unfinished romhack called Rockman 2007 by Hydrawisk, a Taiwanese hacker. There are 2 different versions in the zip file: “Hydrawisk – Rockman 2007 A” (the original, unedited hack) and “Rockman ’07” (containing my fixes). There were also 2 builds of the hack itself: A & B. The first version had a Clash Man stage with a galactic aesthetic, and the second version replaced that aesthetic with that of Drill Man. I felt that the former received less attention, so I decided to go with that one. As for the Robot Masters, they are even more brutal than Venom’s, as they will kill the player in 2-3 hits, and in less than 10 seconds. You will find E-Tanks and 1-ups lying all over the place, and you will need them. The weaknesses remain unchanged but require more weapon usage because of health inflation. Compared to Venom, 2007 can be completed from start to finish. Remember to save as much Crash Bomb as you can for the Wily Machine, because that is the only weapon that can damage it. It is also weak to Atomic Fire, but only in the first phase.
CRC-32: 30b91650
SHA-1: fb51875d1ff4b0deee97e967e6434ff514f3c2f2
* Ronko Phoenix ~ graphical adjustments, enemy placement tweaks, level tweaks
* StalkerMaestro ~ Rockman 2 Speed Patch
* FateForWindows ~ Rockman 2 No Skid patch