Hack Name:  PokeYellow Expansion Dev
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.1
Last updated:  December 29, 2024
Type of Hack:  Cheats, Gameplay, Optimization
Downloads:  37

Based on the pokeyellow disassembly by pret https://github.com/pret/pokeyellow

Features as of v1.1:

Portable PC: After receiving your Pokedex from Professor Oak, your menu will show a Portable PC option which will allow you, outside of the Elite Four, to access your PC anywhere that isn’t your house or Pokemon Center.

Bank Expansion: Bank’s 1 and 1F and ROMX have been expanded and edited to make room for more stuff.

Pikachu learns Surf by HM: This also allows you to participate in the Pikachu Surf minigame.

Trade Evolutions: All trade evolutions evolve at level 37.

Move typeset changes: Gust has been changed to Flying type and Karate Chop is changed to Fighting.

Crobat Gen 2 Backport: Crobat has been backported from Pokemon Crystal, sprites and all, evolved from Golbat at level 32, and is able to learn Fly by HM.

Known Issues: The back sprite for Crobat is a little rough due to it being shrunk to 32×32 from the Crystal 56×56 so it could fit in the Battle UI.  I’ll see what I can do about finding a replacement but it’ll do for now.

Thanks/Credits: Thanks to the pret community whose help and tutorials made this project possible.

Filename: pokeyellow.gbc
CRC-32: 7d527d62
SHA-1: cc7d03262ebfaf2f06772c1a480c7d9d5f4a38e1
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