The Ghost Monsters have invaded the mansion and stole the bonus items and fruit! With Mappy out of the picture due to either being chomped or chasing off Goro and his Meowkies elsewhere, it’s up Pac-Man to retrieve the bonus goodies!
(box art included in zip file)
Filename: Mappy (J) [p2].nes
CRC-32: 77c1969
SHA-1: 44cc379655408ca1d447ac9088f30ce9c40555bf
CRC-32: 77c1969
SHA-1: 44cc379655408ca1d447ac9088f30ce9c40555bf
SonicKade2048 for the Pac-Man Sprites
Johansen1116 for the Ghosts sprites
Johansen1116 for the Ghosts sprites
File download: