Hack Name:  Mario Golf Toadstool Tour PAL 60hz Patch
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  August 13, 2016
Type of Hack:  Optimization
Downloads:  42

PAL 50 is an infamous format if you live in Europe, and you were into games between the eighties and the mid two thousands.

This hack changes the game’s PAL 50 format and instead makes it PAL 60 by default, changing the resolution from 576i to 480i; and making it run at the original speed it should work, instead of running around 16% slower (In this case, from 50fps to 60).

For this one there’s only a xDelta patch, as the data modified is way past the 16MB byte range of the IPS format.

Huge thanks and credits to Ralf@gc-forever for his original code.

Filename: Mario Golf Toadstool Tour (Europe) (En, Fr, De, Es, It).iso
CRC32: 126A6DB1
SHA-1: 1CCDBC6C4F3F62E6C36DE3E042126B4A234D6BCF
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Simone D. Alemanno
4 months ago

There is a review on RHDN that doesn’t recommend this hack because the game runs too fast after applying the patch.

In fact this seems to be one of the few games that were converted correctly to the PAL format.

Last edited 4 months ago by Simone D. Alemanno
4 months ago

I haven’t necessarily tested it. I just put an entry to check that the synchronization between “Orphée” and “Ulysee” (the two file servers) was correct. 😉

Simone D. Alemanno
4 months ago
Reply to  Benjamin

Almost coincidentally I just uploaded a hack for Super Mario RPG that does the exact opposite of this patch.

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