Hack Name:  Mario Bros. (Classic Series) - PAL->NTSC Conversion
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  January 8, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Optimization
Downloads:  176

This converts the PAL Mario Bros. Classic Series rom to NTSC, pushing out 60fps!

From Infidelity:

“The way I did it in my All-Stars rom, is I have all the changes happening in ExRAM with the MMC5 mapper I used

Because this game is NROM, there is little to no free space

so i placed the additional code to get this to work, in an area that just uses FF’s near the start of the NMI

What I don’t know is if that area is accessed at all during gameplay
So that’s just a heads up incase you encounter a graphical error”
ROM address

$40D0 = 4C00F8 0000
$7810 = EE0001 AD0001 2907 F008 A900 8D0320 4CC5C0 4CEEC0

I’m using ram address $100 for the custom counter. This region looks entirely safe, other than the stack waaaaaaayyyyyyyy down in the $1E#-$1FF region. (edited)

feel free to share the .ips, just make sure to add my warning about the location of that code
Filename: Mario Bros. (Europe) (PAL-MC-0, Classic Series).nes
CRC-32: a1c0da00
SHA-1: dbd1bf833a9d89a9ac41ccced0fb508074a489d1
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7 months ago

How did you conversion

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