Hack Name:  Joe & Mac - Master Cheat Unlocked
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  v1.0
Last updated:  December 12, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Unlocker
Downloads:  37

This patch unlocks the ability to use a hidden debug cheat code that makes all stages accessible and starts players with 39 lives and nine keys.

Using the cheat is somewhat convoluted. First, you must open the hidden sound test, which is accessible by placing the cursor on Option during the title screen, holding Right and L on Controller 2, holding Left and R on Controller 1, then pressing Start on Controller 1.

In the sound test, set A to 78, B to 79, X to 73 (note that it’s faster to scroll through the numbers using Down rather than Up). Next, press Select to exit back to the title screen then start a new game.

The patch it for the US version of the game and is compatible with kandowontu’s FastROM hack.

This cheat code was first documented on The Cutting Room Floor.

Filename: Joe & Mac (U).sfc
CRC-32: 3a2b6167
SHA-1: be48f2193ad088b6ea395caeb2d03fa190480418
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Write a review
Nothing new and lack of communication on the source in the description.

Written by: bogaa - December 14, 2024

I write this as a review since my last comment got overlooked.

The patch fails to deliver any new effort to make access to the cheat easier. There is also only one of them accesible. Nothing new what you could already accomplish with a chat code.
.. -1 star

It might be cool to add a veriaty of cheats to choose from as patches. Since not everyone does play them on a emulator to just enable some. Thanks for the patch. Happy hacking

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