Hyrule Fantasy: Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Restored
——-Playable Museum——–
This will make your The Legend of Zelda (Revision 0 / Old Version) into one of two versions. The “Beta” version which has some overworld restorations and some changes showing what was possible plus enemies from a version that was shown before the game was released in Japan along with some planned enemies that were recreated. The “Alpha” version which has the overworld remade to be as close as possible to an early version and many enemy formation/door/reward restorations in the dungeons to be really close to the prototype version plus mostly the same enemy restorations as the Beta version with some of the enemies being alternate versions of the ones in the Beta. Some restorations, such as item sprites and shop prices, were applied to both versions. The Beta version feels like playing the retail release with visual changes and the Alpha version feels very different from the retail due to the restorations in the overworld and dungeons. Early versions of sprites are recreations, prototype versions of sprites are ripped from a prototype.
These patches were designed to be used with Revision 0 of the U.S.A. release of The Legend of Zelda. The way you can tell which version you have is during the save screen (you can access the needed “save” menu after you die or while in the regular menu press Up+A on controller 2, press start button while in-game to get into the regular menu.) Rev 0 does not show a large rectangle on the lower half of the screen with a “Caution” inside of it. Also Revision 0 does not have TM next to the A in Zelda on the title screen. I did not test, nor do I have any idea, what will happen if you apply this patch to any other release of The Legend of Zelda. It might work, it might not, so I recommend you use this patch with the Rev 0 / Old Version of The Legend of Zelda only, to be safe.
Do not let the names mislead you, these were both made from the early version and prototype content, the names were chosen to make it easier to tell which version is closer to retail. Some of the differences from the prototype version could not be carried over to these versions and some of the overworld could not be made to match the early version perfectly. Prototype differences that could not be brought over include the b&w palette on Ganon / Gannon when he is able be damaged by the Silver Arrow and dungeon layout restorations. Early version had differences that could not be recreated due to many background sprite combos being removed from the game and entrances being in the way of properly recreating some sections of the overworld. Early version differences that could not be properly brought back include many restored pathways which could not be fully recreated due to entrance locations and needing more non-repeating overworld sections to fully recreate the overworld.
Restorations To Both Versions
Graphically changed the title screen to say “Hyrule Fantasy” instead of “The Legend Of” above the name Zelda, the word “The” could not be brought back to the title screen to the left of Hyrule Fantasy.
Alpha added to the title screen, along with some other text changes.
The font that is used is from the Family Computer Disk System version.
The intro has had some text adjustments.
Triforce renamed to Triangle, supposed to be Power Triangle, but the game no longer allows such a long name to to be used.
The note that Link holds up at the end of the intro has been kept in English with the graphics of the Family Computer Disk System version.
Link’s sprite has more hair underneath the back of his cap.
Early version of Ladder / Stepladder.
Early version of Enemy Bait / Food.
Early version of Tektite.
Early version of Lynel.
Early version of Molblin.
Early version of Keese.
Early version of Gel.
Early version of Goriya.
Early version of Darknut / Tartnuc.
Early version of Aquamentus.
Early version of Digdogger.
Early version of Lanmola.
Early version of Manhandla / Testitart.
Early version of Head of Gleeok.
Early version of Patra and the smaller Patras.
Prototype version of Rock.
Prototype version of Ghini.
Prototype version of Stalfos.
Japanese version of Zola.
Restorations Unique To The “Beta” Version
“Beta” added to the title screen, along with some other text changes.
The Overworld has some restorations plus some changes to show what was possible.
The NPC dialogue “IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY.” has been retranslated to “TAKE IT, NOW LEAVE ME BE!” plus other dialogue adjustments.
Prices in shops restored to prototype prices and then a few early version price changes after that to make the prices a hybrid of both version’s prices, with the known early version’s prices taking priority over the prototype’s prices.
Early version of Stairs.
Early version of Magic Wand / Magical Rod, replacing Magic Book / Book of Magic / Bible.
Unnamed Bull recreated, replacing Dodongo.
Unnamed Bug (Upright) recreated, replacing Vire.
Unnamed Bug (Sideways) recreated, replacing Stone Statues (Left Facing + Right Facing.)
Unnamed One-Eyed Mage recreated, replacing Wizzrobe.
Early version of Stalfos, replacing Gibdo.
Early version of Octorok.
Early version of Pols Voice.
Early version of Rope.
Early version of Wall Master.
Early version of dungeon blocks.
Restorations Unique To The “Alpha” Version
“Alpha” added to the title screen, along with some other text changes.
The Overworld has mostly been restored to resemble a very early version, some of the overworld could not be restored due to certain needed sprite combos no longer being in the game, however similar sprite combos were used as substitutes to make the Overworld very close to the early version.
Dungeons have had many enemy spawns, rewards and doors restored to resemble the prototype version.
The NPC dialogue “IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY.” has been restored to “I’LL GIVE YOU THIS SO LEAVE ME ALONE!” without the comma after “THIS” since it could not fit in there.
Prices in shops restored to Prototype prices.
Early version of Gibdo.
Early version of Wizzrobe.
Different early version of Octorok.
Different early version of Rope.
Prototype version of Pols Voice.
Prototype version of Wall Master.
Prototype version of dungeon blocks.
These Restorations Were Not Done:
Restoring the original title screen song, Boléro (Maurice Ravel)
Restoring the game over song from the prototype
Renaming the Triforce in the intro of the Beta (Breaks the game)
Renaming ELIMINATION MODE back to KILL MODE (Breaks the game)
Restoring the ending dialogue (Breaks the game)
Dungeon Names (Due to limitations, each Dungeon would have to share the same name)
Restoring Link’s sword attack animation sprite
Restoring Link’s skin color outfit
In the Overworld’s main menu, could not restore POWER TRIANGLE (Changed to TRIANGLE instead)
Recreating all removed enemies/items (Such as the sandwich item and the snake that would come out of dungeon blocks)
Restoring the original Dungeon Mini-maps (Each room was represented as a dual square)
Anything involving the changing of the palettes of Enemies, Dungeons and the Magic Wand / Magical Rod
Greyscale Ganon / Gannon palette (When able to be hurt by the Silver Arrow)
Repositioning items in dungeons (The spawn locations are universal, can’t make a room have a unique spawn location)
Includes save states for both quests, which can be used with the retail Revision 0, this alpha and this beta. The first slot has a full Triforce, two Hearts, every item including unused variants of certain items and Link’s outfit is colored a different green. The second slot is at the beginning of the game, with unused variants of the Potion+Candle and Link’s outfit is skin colored like in an early verison. The third slot is at the beginning of the game, with unused variants of the Potion+Candle and Link’s outfit is now colored a different green, resembling an early verison.
Marcelo X – Research/Prototype+Recreation Sprites/Overworld+Dungeon Restorations/Testing
Apie (Marcelo X’s Wife) – Patience
The Cutting Room Floor – Prototype/Early Version Information
Unseen64 – Early Version Information
Internet Archive – Japanese+English Manuals/Japanese Magazines
YY-CHR – Used To Make Graphical Restorations
ZeldaTech – Used To Make Restorations To The Overworld/Some Text Edits/Price Restorations
DungeonMaster – Used To Make Restorations To Dungeons
The Legend of Zelda Text Editor – Used For Some Text Edits
Nintendo – Creators Of The Legend Of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda is a trademark of Nintendo. © 1986 Nintendo.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Playable Museum’s mission is to educate, through multiple formats, about video game content that was either changed before hitting retail, never released or is just uncommon knowledge.
CRC-32: 316cff69
SHA-1: 799459548f9636dd263200da494f04058f5540e2
Apie (Marcelo X's Wife) - Patience
The Cutting Room Floor - Prototype / Early Version Information
Unseen64 - Early Version Information
Internet Archive - Japanese+English Manuals / Japanese Magazines
YY-CHR - Used To Make Graphical Restorations
ZeldaTech - Used To Make Restorations To The Overworld / Some Text Edits / Price Restorations
DungeonMaster - Used To Make Restorations To Dungeons
The Legend of Zelda Text Editor - Used For Some Text Edits
Nintendo - Creators Of The Legend Of Zelda