Hack Name:  Fire Emblem: Sealed Hope
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.1
Last updated:  May 31, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Levels, Music
Downloads:  156

It’s recommended to use VBA (or the Delta emulator), as other emulators (MGBA) seems to carry the most bugs in the game.

Fire Emblem Sealed Hope is a FE8 Rom Hack that was worked on as a hobby, and has been in development for years. It takes ideas from various Fire Emblem titles while balancing itself in it’s own way. Difficulty comparison-wise, Normal is similar to FE7 difficulty, while Hard is similar to FE6.


Llyr is the tactician of the Cipher Mercenaries, a small group of mercenaries that has accumulated fame over the years. After a successful job, he meets with his best friend, King Mao of Jrablibe who in search of his missing father, Aurlen. He believes his father’s disappearance is related to a object known as the Fire Emblem, and requests Llyr restore it to find further clues to his father.
Unknowingly to Llyr, his mission would only become a stepping stone into finding out the true meaning behind the world, and his life.


  • 20+ Chapters
  • 30+ Characters
  • Durability system equivalent to Fates & Echoes (Infinite Durability but higher Gold cost)
  • Hint system similar to Hannah/Nils Fortune reading in FE7.
  • Support range has been increased, and thresholds for supports have been decreased to make it faster to obtain supports.
  • Supports are limited by Rank rather than number of Supports. You can have multiple B Supports, but only one A Support.
  • Building A Supports (or unique supports) grants Bond Essence that grant +1 to all stats. Certain A Supports grant skills based around relationships.
  • Units have a Personal skill, a Movement skill, and a Promoted skill. (Ex: Lv5 Mercs get Shove, Lv5 Heroes get Swordfaire.)
  • Holdable items that grant Stat bonuses.
  • Secret Items/Events that grant rewards (Difficulty is considered without these specific rewards)
  • All recruitable character’s are either recruitable with Game Over condition units (Story important characters), or can be recruited by three other units.
  • Small Post-game with various stories.
  • Quality of Life patches applied such as visual growths, animation numbers, and more.
  • Music not in original FE8 (taken from the Fire Emblem Repository)
  • Steve.
Filename: Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones (6).GBA
CRC-32: a47246ae
SHA-1: c25b145e37456171ada4b0d440bf88a19f4d509f
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