Hack Name:  F-Zero GP Climax
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Language: ,
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.2
Last updated:  December 18, 2023
Type of Hack:  Levels
Downloads:  84

F-Zero Climax has the largest list of playable courses of any F-Zero Game. Grand Prix mode alone has 53 courses, split across the Novice/Standard, Expert, and Master difficulties. Just like its predecessor, GP Legend, almost all of the courses in the game have harder variants when you get to the Expert and Master difficulties. Some even have a 3rd level of difficulty. Unlike GP Legend though, it’s not always clear which courses are harder variants of which.

There are two things that obscure the courses’ relations. First, many of the variants don’t share a name with the track they are based on. For example, based on name alone, there’s no way to know that “Big Blue: Arch Hill” is a harder variant of “Big Blue: Slalom”, but has no relation to “Big Blue: Slip Down”. Second, the courses do not always appear in the same cups, or even the same order within a cup. “Big Blue: Slalom” is the 1st race of the Silver Standard Cup, but “Big Blue: Arch Hill” is the 3rd race of the Bronze Expert Cup. Overall, this makes Climax feel like a less-cohesive game than GP Legend, and makes finding a specific track in Time Attack a chore.

This patch, GP Climax, presents its Grand Prix courses in the same way as GP Legend, with harder versions of courses appearing in the same cup, and for the most part, the same order. 10 of the 53 courses have been swapped between Cups, and 5 of the 9 Cups have had their tracks re-ordered. (See the readme for details.) This gives each Cup its own self-contained identity.

GP Climax is compatible with the Japanese original rom, as well as the English and Spanish translations done by the “F-Zero Climax: Translation Project Team”. It contains the smaller patches “Sandstorm” and “Rat Race Added to Survival Mode”. Since this patch simply re-orders content from the original game, without changing any of the content, it is appropriate to use during a first playthrough.

CRC32 : DBDC71E3
SHA-1 : 6EB9208C493E8BAA43ECC0DACF71A8CB631BE7CA
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