Hack Name:  Earthworm Jim Sandbox
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  0.1
Last updated:  September 14, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Other
Downloads:  62

Sandbox modes

Title Screen:

Press L or R to play music.
Autoplay stuff is removed.


While Playing:

Press L to activate free moving camera.
Press A to spawn Jim after moving him around. (also set spawn-point!)
Hold Select and press start twice to make Jim go boom! (very useful)
Hold R to activate corrupter mode. Currently just plays random SFX when also holding right it will garble up levels..


While Pause:

Press R to win the current stage!
Press L to get to cheat/level select screen
Mash left or right 9 times to unlock life cheats.
Mash up or down 9 times to unlock screen cheats.


While Cheat Screen:

Press up or down to select.
Press Y or A to choose. Start will restart the game with selection applied.


While Loading Screen:

When the name of the level is displayed you can use L or R to choose different levels. But it will not work as intended so if you like to play the game normally don’t use it!

This is in there to corrupt the game some more. The game will load palette on initial load but has done all the loads for the level beforehand. Then when reloading after death the entities of the current selected level are loaded which mostly just breaks the game. But with all the cheats like pressing L then A repeatedly you get around quick and you can always win..

Started with the info on TCRF in case you like to read more.


Filename: Earthworm Jim (U).smc
CRC-32: 3a4a47eb
SHA-1: 3b666f44ea7574caafb9d64cd4d4c74dd3f81a61
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