Naming screen, showing "What's this girl's name?"
Hack Name:  EarthBound Beginnings - Girl Ninten
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  October 14, 2024
Type of Hack:  Graphics, Other, Text
Downloads:  48

EarthBound Beginnings is a ROM hack that simply changes the main character into a girl! This was done so that certain players may feel a closer connection to their main character.

The changes are listed below:

  • Various pronouns and references to the main character have been changed to feminine variants.
  • The main character’s graphics have been updated to have longer hair
  • The main character can now equip the Magic Ribbon, and can get it earlier from the Ground-Swimming Cat
  • A minor character was changed in Spookane, who gets named after the main character.

I hope you enjoy the hack!

Filename: EarthBound Beginnings (USA, Europe) (Virtual Console).nes
CRC-32: abbe02fa
SHA-1: f338af0af0058dc692d6003e04b4094bb324d2c5
Additional testing done by Limni and Jelly!
Special Thanks to Blue Ribbs, the creator of the Earthbound - Girl Ness rom hack! Without that hack, and the wonderful time I had playing it, I never would have started work on this hack.
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