Hack Name:  Dorcas Emblem
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  2.1
Last updated:  December 7, 2017
Type of Hack:  Graphics, Text
Downloads:  30

Have you ever got a feeling like, you want a Fire Emblem hack where everything is Dorcas. All the characters are Dorcas, the villages are Dorcas, the villains are Dorcas, the weapons are Dorcas, and all the terrain gives you Dorcas bonuses. Well then! Aren’t you in luck.

  • Presenting Dorcas Emblem 2.0!
  • Featuring all new Dorcas content!
  • Individual Dorcases now somewhat identifiable!
  • Text and graphics overhauled to scratch that Dorcas itch!
  • Obligatory mutton memes!
  • Shocking surprises, and much, much more!

What are you waiting for? Play Dorcas Emblem today!

So yes, this is basically a FE7 reskin, but there are minor gameplay changes as well – though all in the spirit of fun rather than obnoxious romhack difficulty, and honestly only to the player’s benefit.

The first version of the hack was made after Vilkalizer saw a post quoted at the top. Version 2 has individualized Dorcas portraits for everyone (except the original, who’s the original, and the lords – because this is Dorcas Emblem after all, but don’t worry, they all got some love as well, in one way or another) and a few more graphical changes, along with a few… tweaks here and there.

Fire Emblem (USA, Australia).gba - NOINTRO
CRC32: 2A524221
MD5: F1A1B9742FCD467A531DD4314C4E7D19
SHA-1: C735FDBB9E8ABE19E0C6A44708DF19ACC962E204
SHA-256: F1200D19771B366B6EAD15DEC0EEE4A7785B538D894C069C36F7592321EE799B
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