Originally released January 12, 2016.
“Over the course of 12 days, starting December 25th, I built one level each day for 12 days, in the spirit of the 12 Days of Christmas, which was already used as an idea for a level/romhack design contest.
Each level would start during the day and I’d race to finish it before midnight.
With another 2 years having passed by, I’ve only gotten better at coming up with new and crazy level ideas, coming up with a wide variety of things to do in just 12 levels/exits.”
Credits included (except for music, though these are all ports made by users that aren’t me on SMW Central) in a readme file that comes with the download.
Filename: Super Mario World (U).smc
CRC-32: a31bead4
SHA-1: 553cf42f35acf63028a369608742bb5b913c103f
CRC-32: a31bead4
SHA-1: 553cf42f35acf63028a369608742bb5b913c103f
Relevant link: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=13028
File download: