Hack Name:  Castlevania III Bugfixes
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  November 20, 2005
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Graphics
Downloads:  30

This patch fixes a small number of graphical oversights in Castlevania III. Most of these are related from reusing graphics from the first Castlevania game but forgetting to reorder two colors in their palette. Whether these are actually bugs is debatable, I made this patch for my own personal use but decided to release it publicly. The archive also includes a patch to use uncensored graphics in CV3 and a few patches for Akumajō Densetsu.


  • Holy Water: In CV3 this suffers from two colors being reversed, in Akumajō Densetsu it is missing a color entirely.
  • Candlestand: Suffers from two colors being reversed. Possibly intentional, it still looks good this way.
  • Rosary: Better known as the Cross, this is the item that kills every enemy onscreen. It had two of its colors reversed.
  • Money Bag: In CV1 two of the money bags use a dark colored bag with a light colored dollar sign, the other reverses the colors. CV3’s money bags all use a light bag with a dark dollar sign, this reverses the colors in CV3.
  • Points: The points when you pick up a money bag or kill more than one enemy with a sub-weapon were light-colored in CV1 and future CV titles, leading me to believe the blue numbers in CV3 were a mistake–they do look better, however.
  • Censored Graphics: All are related to topless women, mostly just statues except for Medusa, who was made a male in CV3.
Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (U) [!].nes - GOODNES 3.14
CRC32: 7CC9C669
MD5: D16A502D0125F23CC3D980DDC6B6F2E8
SHA-1: F91281D5D9CC26BCF6FB4DE2F5BE086BC633D49B
SHA-256: 1C7B2ED2C1FB5839A6764006AA476F5C9D48F99465B6141980F3A5AF1DFEC0D6
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