Hack Name:  Castlevania Aria of Sorrow Definitive Edition (Tommy Edition)
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  V1.0
Last updated:  October 5, 2024
Type of Hack:  Graphics, Optimization
Downloads:  1053

Recently, I found that Castlevania Aria of Sorrow has a Definitive Edition At 02/10, but it has been updated too little, so I added some other people’s hacks and became my own Definitive Edition . I can have a good time.

Castlevania – Aria of Sorrow – Definitive Edition

The main changes are as follows:

1) Better soul, weapon and armor drop rates.

2) The soul-eating ring sells for 30,000 gold coins.

3) Fixed luck and intelligence statistics.

Modifications added by Tommy:

1) Fixed the left edge of the border around the EXP stat in the pause menu.
By radzo73

2) Fixed incorrectly translated enemy/item names, and some common errors in item/monster/soul descriptions. Some enemy names have also been changed to match Symphony of the Night.
By Radagast

3) Allows Soma to chain quickback together, and you can always use quickback to cancel the attack.
By Xanthus

4) Change Soma’s colors to match his Dawn of Sorrow color scheme
Update: Also includes color variations for Yoko, Hammer, Mina, and Arikado!
By radzo73

5) Change flying armor to toggle based soul (i.e. press R to enable, R to deactivate, no longer hold it)
By radzo73

6) Recolor by JonataGuitar v1.02 update: This includes some bug fixes for Souls as well as some minor tweaks to better match the vanilla AoS gameplay experience.
By AhaRom

Other modifications:

-Only the weapons, weapon statistics and names have been modified, nothing else has changed.

-Better sprites, animations and hitboxes

-New weapons replace other weapons in an attempt to be more balanced

-Some new weapons

Enjoy Castlevania !

Filename: Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (USA).gba
CRC-32: 35536183
SHA-1: abd71fe01ebb201bcc133074db1dd8c5253776c7
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3 months ago

Any chance of changing Curly to Khali, and Persephone to Prosperina?

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