Hack Name:  Boot Camp (Bonus Edition)
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  December 14, 2023
Downloads:  80

BOOT CAMP — A Microhack by BlueFinch, 2023

Bonus Edition: Contains 2 brand new levels, neatly integrated into the overworld map for new “any %” possiblities.

This is a Kuribo Boot hack. It involves augmented mechanics to the Kuribo’s/Goomba’s Shoe/Boot.

It is an intermediate hack that demands precision. (There is one shell jump in this game that is mandatory. Learn it, then!)

The levels are not wide and open, but tend to be closed and tight. This is not a run-and-gun hack, but it is a precision one — fair, but also challenging. The difficulty generally grades upward till the end.

Gameplay: You will need to “double jump” all throughout this hack. How? Well, you get upward acceleration coming off of a hit enemy. With the White Boot, if you release jump while in the air then press it again, you get a bonus jump. Awkward at first, but then you get used to it.

This along with various other situations outlined below in the attributes and abilities of the boot make for an interesting and fun mechanic to explore across a dozen levels.

The White Boot Attributes and Abilities:

  • Additional air jump post-hitting enemy.
  • Additional air jump coming out of pipe.
  • Can climb vines
  • Can hold and throw objects
  • Able to bounce on Spike’s spikeball
  • Munchers are now dangerous to the boot! (lore: they eat through the boot because it is lighter)
  • Palette for boot is white throughout game (and “ghostly” white when in the fortress or certain other situations)

All of these together drastically alter the gameplay making this concept interesting enough to make into a microhack.

For list of all mods and credits, see the enclosed README

Database match: Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev 1)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: 6BD518E85EB46A4252AF07910F61036E84B020D1
File CRC32: B742B33
ROM SHA-1: BB894D104C796F69BA16587EB66C0275F5C2FC02
ROM CRC32: 2E6301ED
Neb Simmons and Alan Jacobs helped during live stream to build the 2 new levels.
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